Is this thing on?
Does anyone read my blog?
Here are some thoughts for the day:
Ten things about today:
1. My day started off relatively stress free for being end of the month.
2. Followed WW to the letter today!
3. Bought massive cleaning supplies at lunch today at Tar-jey
4. Afternoon at work brought much stress.
5. Went to dinner at my mom's.
6. Fed Cheekers mashed potatos. They were a hit!
7. Fought with Evenflo to get them to send me the fabric for the exersaucer for free vs. the almost $17 they were going to charge me.
8. I won that fight!
9. Cheekers has figured out just how much fun splashing in the duck tub really is.
10. Allergies are in high gear!
Nine things I thought about today:
1. Bobby
2. My son.
3. How much I hate cliques.
4. How fat I really am!
5. How I feel something snapped in me in Jun 05 & I haven't been quite right since.
6. I really need to clean my house.
7. My mom.
8. My dad.
Eight things I said today:
1. "This is Meghan"
2. "Hey girlers"
3. "You are just too cute Ethan Michael"
4. "I love you Ethan"
5. "I love you"
6. "Thanks for dinner" (I went to my Che Laura's for dinner)
7. "I am throwing in the towel & working at a drugstore the rest of my life"
8. "Do you need help?" (asking to see if anyone needed help closing out the month.
Seven things I ate today:
1. Weight Watchers Whole Wheat English Muffin
2. 100 Calorie Hostess Cupcakes
3. 100 Calorie Orville Redenbacher Popcorn.
4. Chocolate (what!? Where? How did that get in my diet today!)
5. Chicken with cheese & sweet peppers.
6. Salad
7. Weight Watchers Ice Cream Cone
Six songs I listened to today:
`1. It's Not Over - Daughtry
2. Glamorous - Fergi
3. Tell Me - P Diddy & Christina Aguilaria
4. Boyfriend - Avril Lavigne
5. The new one by Kelli Clarkson
6. The new one by Maroon 5
Five blogs I read today:
Ali Edwards
Cathy Zielski
Sophia Corbridge
Meagan the Magnificent
Four photos I took today:
Um, I didn't do this!
Three things I need to do before bedtime:
Turn out the lights.
Check on the babe.
Lotion up!
Two notes to myself from this day:
Call dr. for allergy meds.
Balance check book
One thing I'm grateful for this day:
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Just a recent photo of the Cheekster. Looking inquisitive isn't he?
Let's see, if the weather has a drastic change it's b/c I, along with the babe, went to church today. Yep. And it didn't catch on fire when I walked in either. How do you like that! Between the baby having the reaction he does when he sees Jesus & me having to get him blessed, I felt this strange pull to go. I'm glad I did. It was a nice meeting & Cheeks was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good through Sacrament.
Now what I want to know is...when did I get to be the same age as the Bishopbric? Anyone?
Anyone at all?
The Bishop is easily my age, if not 2 or 3 years younger.
Nice looking Bishop. Very Teethy! You know that "I'm a Mormon, so I have a smile like the Osmond's teeth", that's what he had!
I'm doing the walk for MS next week. If you would like to donate email me or leave a comment on my blog & I will send you the link. Any donation is high appreciated. I mean, any people. Like a $1!
I started WW again. Lost 5 lbs so far. I am sure I have gained it back. It's really wonderful when you are talking to someone & they say "You're pregnant, when are you due?". I was like, Um, no that's the baby weight from him...he's 8 months old. I have to go throw myself in traffic now. Nice talking to you. Whatever!
On a high note. Went to the Cheesecake Factory yesterday for lunch.
Erin, the babe & myself.
The hostess actually had a brain in her head.
She asked if we would like the napkin & plate for the baby.
I asked just for the napkin.
She didn't give him crayons.
She brought a plate of bread with 3 slices of banana on it for the babe.
Ok, if they normally bring the banana, don't tell me b/c I like to think it is b/c they do it for all babies :>)

I scrapped a few weeks back. This is the latest page. I am hoping to get to do it again but who knows when. At night, afterwork, I am too tired and the weekend I am playing catch up on chores, running my errands & spending as much time with my growing too fast for my liking son! Whose responsiblity was it to tell me 8.5 months flies by in a blink of an eye?
On that note...Whoops out!

Just a recent photo of the Cheekster. Looking inquisitive isn't he?
Let's see, if the weather has a drastic change it's b/c I, along with the babe, went to church today. Yep. And it didn't catch on fire when I walked in either. How do you like that! Between the baby having the reaction he does when he sees Jesus & me having to get him blessed, I felt this strange pull to go. I'm glad I did. It was a nice meeting & Cheeks was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good through Sacrament.
Now what I want to know is...when did I get to be the same age as the Bishopbric? Anyone?
Anyone at all?
The Bishop is easily my age, if not 2 or 3 years younger.
Nice looking Bishop. Very Teethy! You know that "I'm a Mormon, so I have a smile like the Osmond's teeth", that's what he had!
I'm doing the walk for MS next week. If you would like to donate email me or leave a comment on my blog & I will send you the link. Any donation is high appreciated. I mean, any people. Like a $1!
I started WW again. Lost 5 lbs so far. I am sure I have gained it back. It's really wonderful when you are talking to someone & they say "You're pregnant, when are you due?". I was like, Um, no that's the baby weight from him...he's 8 months old. I have to go throw myself in traffic now. Nice talking to you. Whatever!
On a high note. Went to the Cheesecake Factory yesterday for lunch.
Erin, the babe & myself.
The hostess actually had a brain in her head.
She asked if we would like the napkin & plate for the baby.
I asked just for the napkin.
She didn't give him crayons.
She brought a plate of bread with 3 slices of banana on it for the babe.
Ok, if they normally bring the banana, don't tell me b/c I like to think it is b/c they do it for all babies :>)

I scrapped a few weeks back. This is the latest page. I am hoping to get to do it again but who knows when. At night, afterwork, I am too tired and the weekend I am playing catch up on chores, running my errands & spending as much time with my growing too fast for my liking son! Whose responsiblity was it to tell me 8.5 months flies by in a blink of an eye?
On that note...Whoops out!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I've been tagged by Tara.
It's pretty cool....just go to Wikipedia. Type in your b-day.
List 3 events, 2 important birthdays, 1 death & 1 holiday that occured on your birthday.
Link back to my blog if I tagged you.
Here's mine:
July 16th.
3 Events that Happened on that day:
1. 1862 - American Civil War: David G. Farragut becomes the first United States Navy rear admiral. (That one if for my dad!)
2. 1951 - The novel Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger published. (This one's for know, being an English major! This is a classic!)
3. 2005 - The sixth book in the popular Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling is released to record sales of 287,564 books per hour in its first 24 hours, making it the fastest selling book in history.
2 Important Birthdays:
1. 1907 - Orville Redenbacher, American farmer and businessman (Thanks Orv for the great popcorn!)
2. 1971 - Corey Feldman, American actor (Mouth from the Goonies!)
1 Death
1. 1999 - John F. Kennedy Jr., (I remember this, so tragic!!!)
1 Holiday
1. United States - National Ice Cream Day, as made official by President Ronald Reagan. (Honestly, would you expect it to be anything else).
Ok I tag:
1. Kathy Carr
2. Jacqie
3. Fe
4. Lissa
5. Chuckster (because YOU need to start a blog!)
6. Aunt Patty (because You could do it & send it in email)
7. Torreh
It's pretty cool....just go to Wikipedia. Type in your b-day.
List 3 events, 2 important birthdays, 1 death & 1 holiday that occured on your birthday.
Link back to my blog if I tagged you.
Here's mine:
July 16th.
3 Events that Happened on that day:
1. 1862 - American Civil War: David G. Farragut becomes the first United States Navy rear admiral. (That one if for my dad!)
2. 1951 - The novel Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger published. (This one's for know, being an English major! This is a classic!)
3. 2005 - The sixth book in the popular Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling is released to record sales of 287,564 books per hour in its first 24 hours, making it the fastest selling book in history.
2 Important Birthdays:
1. 1907 - Orville Redenbacher, American farmer and businessman (Thanks Orv for the great popcorn!)
2. 1971 - Corey Feldman, American actor (Mouth from the Goonies!)
1 Death
1. 1999 - John F. Kennedy Jr., (I remember this, so tragic!!!)
1 Holiday
1. United States - National Ice Cream Day, as made official by President Ronald Reagan. (Honestly, would you expect it to be anything else).
Ok I tag:
1. Kathy Carr
2. Jacqie
3. Fe
4. Lissa
5. Chuckster (because YOU need to start a blog!)
6. Aunt Patty (because You could do it & send it in email)
7. Torreh
Friday, April 13, 2007
Random Photos taken this week
Tim & Cheeks.....Timmy sure does love his baby brother!
He is so good with him & Cheekers loves him too!

Believe it or not, he does smile but this is what you get when you tell him he has to eat the burger he ordered & decided he didn't want.

Finally, a foot fetish. Hmmm....I wonder what relative he takes after?

Tim & Cheeks.....Timmy sure does love his baby brother!
He is so good with him & Cheekers loves him too!
Believe it or not, he does smile but this is what you get when you tell him he has to eat the burger he ordered & decided he didn't want.
Finally, a foot fetish. Hmmm....I wonder what relative he takes after?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Larry Birkhead be the baby's daddy. One look at a photo of the baby & um, hello, even Stevie Wonder could tell.
Now onto more important things. Like my son!
Poor thing. He had his 1st trip to the ER Sunday night. He has had a cough & runny nose that I attributed to teething. Then he started to weez which I thought was just the junk in the throat that everyone gets but older kids & adults can cough it out. Well he sounded worse to me on Sunday night so off we went.
They checked him out. He has Bronchilitis. A virus that settles in the airways. The Ped gave him a treatment of Albuturol but he didn't respond. Only 30% of kids do. She sent him on his merry way & told me he would most likely get better in a few days & to follow up with my regular ped.
Today he sounded less weezy...thank goodness. Took him to our reg. ped who suggested getting a vaporizer & letting me know his cough can last 10 weeks! HELLO! 10 Weeks! That's a mighty long time for the Cheekers.
He seems to be on the mend, so that makes this mommy happy.
The Bobster was home all last week. Sure my house was messy & chaotic but it was nice to have him here. He left yesterday to go back to Rochester but should be home this weekend.
Easter weekend we went camping. Well let's rephrase that, Bobster's family went in campers & we rented a trailor. It was so nice! I had a really good time & would definitely do it again but only in a trailor or a superduper trailor. We took all the kids with us so it was a nice family time.
On Sat. everyone went to Bridgeport to watch Chucky (B's bro) race. He won the heat race & placed 8th in the feature. Not too shabby. I didn't go b/c it was freezin & the Cheekers wasn't feeling good. So I went outlet shopping in Lancaster instead. Only 15 miles from the campsite. Totally scored some great outfits for Cheekers for the summer. Went to the Gymboree Outlet which I thought would be like returning to the MotherShip for me but sadly it sucked! They had nothing for boys & what they did have was blah & just as expensive as the regular store. O well.
Just wanted to give you all a quick update!
Woops out!
Larry Birkhead be the baby's daddy. One look at a photo of the baby & um, hello, even Stevie Wonder could tell.
Now onto more important things. Like my son!
Poor thing. He had his 1st trip to the ER Sunday night. He has had a cough & runny nose that I attributed to teething. Then he started to weez which I thought was just the junk in the throat that everyone gets but older kids & adults can cough it out. Well he sounded worse to me on Sunday night so off we went.
They checked him out. He has Bronchilitis. A virus that settles in the airways. The Ped gave him a treatment of Albuturol but he didn't respond. Only 30% of kids do. She sent him on his merry way & told me he would most likely get better in a few days & to follow up with my regular ped.
Today he sounded less weezy...thank goodness. Took him to our reg. ped who suggested getting a vaporizer & letting me know his cough can last 10 weeks! HELLO! 10 Weeks! That's a mighty long time for the Cheekers.
He seems to be on the mend, so that makes this mommy happy.
The Bobster was home all last week. Sure my house was messy & chaotic but it was nice to have him here. He left yesterday to go back to Rochester but should be home this weekend.
Easter weekend we went camping. Well let's rephrase that, Bobster's family went in campers & we rented a trailor. It was so nice! I had a really good time & would definitely do it again but only in a trailor or a superduper trailor. We took all the kids with us so it was a nice family time.
On Sat. everyone went to Bridgeport to watch Chucky (B's bro) race. He won the heat race & placed 8th in the feature. Not too shabby. I didn't go b/c it was freezin & the Cheekers wasn't feeling good. So I went outlet shopping in Lancaster instead. Only 15 miles from the campsite. Totally scored some great outfits for Cheekers for the summer. Went to the Gymboree Outlet which I thought would be like returning to the MotherShip for me but sadly it sucked! They had nothing for boys & what they did have was blah & just as expensive as the regular store. O well.
Just wanted to give you all a quick update!
Woops out!
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