Word came out yesterday that ABC (those rat bastards!) have decided to cancel the show.
Oh, that's right.
End it.
No more.
I am not amused with this choice.
Talk about upseting.
I knew something was up when they started moving her around.
Move to a Friday night?
Kiss of Death!
Then Wednesday at 10pm.
Now this!
How will I survive?
What will I do without my friend, Betty?
I don't think I can go on without my fix of Mark & Amanda.
Not to mention that witch Wilhemina.
Poor Hilda, first the baby, now this!
Ah, carumba!
So, ABC if you are listening, reconsider.
The show has lots of fans.
We need our Ugly Betty fix.
Don't take her from us.
We love her!
Tell me readers, are you Ugly Betty fans?