Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
#7, Shout Out, Shake It Off~~

That's my #7 layout of the year.
Am I on fire or what???!!!!
I followed a sketch from & decided to do one of Cheek's first portraits...his Halloween costume. Man, is he a cutie or what??? I know I'm partial but come on! Hee hee
This is the same child, who has learned to stand in his crib. This is a no no. So today, after the 2.5 hr morning nap (Thank you God, Thank you!), I go in b/c he is too quiet. There he is standing. Proud as can be. So I cleared my throat & said "Ethan, are you supposed to be doing that?" He turned his head, wiggled his one eyebrow & started to giggle. It was so darn funny, I had to leave the room. I don't know what I'm going to do if all I do is laugh at his antics.
I will end up with a brat.
Ok, note to self...must control laughter. I mean I did leave the room before I giggled. Anyway....
I would like to give a shout out to my Uncle Mike. That's my Aunt Patty's hubby. She reads my blog. I think she, my mom & like 2 other's are my regulars. If you are a regular, give me a holla (leave me a comment...I love the comments). Anyway I saw my Uncle Mike at Shop Rite this morning at like 9am. I went food shopping for the first time in like 4 weeks. So there go me & the Cheekers on our way to load up the minivan when who comes strolling up the lane in the parking lot but Uncle Mike.
So, Hello Uncle Mike & Hello Aunt Patty (b/c I know you are reading least I hope you are!)
As for the Shake it off. Tuesday when Cheeks learned to pull himself up, he would fall. Usually on his tush, then his back. Well he just goes to the tush now but it usually knocks the wind out of him or stuns him at least plus he will hit his noggin too. At first, I was always like
And would try to comfort him. After the 100th time, I started to look, make sure there's no blood or he's wonky & I just tell him "Shake off!"
Works well! He gets right back up. Now he thinks he can stand on his own & lets go. I see walking in the future. I finally charged the dvd recorder camera my dad gave me & I am having a ball using it.
When I figure out how to upload, I will post the video of Cheeks eating his mashed potatoes. He got a bath immediately following. Oiy've.
Well tomorrow starts another work week. *sigh* I also go back to the dr for the stupid cyst on my face. It hurts again, so I think it got reinfected. NICE! They are sending me to a plastic surgeon for the rest of the removal.
On that note...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Winner! Winner! Winner!
Without further adieu, the winner is..........DIANA~!
You go girl! Send me your addy & I will send you your small but fun prize!
Woops out!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
150th Post
I think this layout is #6 for th year.
I did a scraplift train at I was the last one. I decided to use creme cardstock (for a change) & my scanner wouldn't scan it properly, so I had to take a pic of it. Sorry for the horrid quality. That is Cheeks & I, on the 2nd he was here! I love that picture. It looks like he's peeking, saying Hi Mommy (hence the title.)
Now, this is my 150th post!
So in honor of the 150th post, leave a comment & I will draw a name to win a prize of scrap stuff, including a brand new copy of Scrapbooking Dimensions magazine!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Name Change

Monday, June 04, 2007
Next job: Bounty Huntin w/ Dog the Bounty Hunter
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Poor Cheekers
I feel so bad for him.
Glassy eyes.
Runny nose.
The cough is keeping him up. Should make for an interesting evening.
Say a prayer he will feel better manana. I even stayed home from meeting a new "scrappy" friend at a crop b/c I didn't want to leave him.
Now, onto a few things.
First my sign came. My welcome sign.
I really like it.
Two things.
1. My mom said "Whose coming over? Madonna?" BAAHAAHAA! She's a kidder that one!
2. I hung it on my door & between the sun & the heat, it warped already.
Yea, much.
It was a lot of money. Well a lot of money for some cardboard & glitter. Almost 40 dollars!
Live & learn I suppose.
Secondly, ever hear of the 26 Challenge blog.
Well I have & this month I got 2 photos done.
One was truck.
That's Bobster's new ride. Sure, he's 6"2 so it makes the ride a bit snuck but it has that new plastic car smell. Actually I got this for Cheekers a few weeks back. Yea, he's not real interested yet.
The other photo I took was feast.
Looks like it was tasty, doesn't it!
You betcha.
Finally, can I just say I need some much needed time to myself. Sure I could have gotten it tonight but I would have been too worried about the babe & not have enjoyed myself.
I am talking just 2 hrs people.
Just a pedi.
I don't even need the mani.
Guess I will get the time come Oct when Sandel weather is over.
Woops out!