Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sweet Sixteen
Well it doesn't matter b/c today is TimBob's 16th birthday.
I remember when he was 11...tee hee.
I can not believe he's 16.
When did this happen?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Halloween is coming, get your craft on.
Get my craft on.
Made this cute Boo sign yesterday.
Think it took me a total of 90 seconds.
Weekend Update

We were outback & I emptied his buggy that was full of water.
This instantly made a ginormous puddle.
Being a typical boy, Cheeks was enamored with the mud.
So being the good mom that I am, I let him have @ it!
He was running & jumping & sliding in the mud puddle.
We then went out front so he could roll down the "mountain" as he calls it.
The front yard has an incline.
Later we sauntered across the street.
He promptly found the biggest stick & almost took my eye out with it.
I felt like that darn kid from "A Christmas Movie"
Then, much to my disgust, he found a praying mantis to play with.
He grabbed it off the tree & threw it to the ground then tried to step on it.
Don't worry I told him not to kill it, it was a good bug.
Secretly inside I was hoping he tore it's head off & that he didn't want to hand it to me.
I would have screamed like the little girl I am & took off for the hills.
I hate bugs.
We are also working on Cheeks potty mouth.
It appears he favors the word B*tch & said it at daycare on Friday.
Not once
Maybe I should put soap in his mouth?
Any suggestions?
He is definitely a little mimic.
I called him when he was in his room over the weekedn.
He came to the top of the steps, stopped & yelled:
"What do you want?"
Um, sorry, what do I want?!
I do this to Bobster all the time.
Time to start changing that!
What do your kids mimic?
Are they facinated by bugs like mine?
Tell me it's a phase!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Crack...for the Preschool Set
You know....the crack.
No, not that crack, pull your mind out of the illegal gutter.
I am talking about the crack for the Preschool set.
Known as the Doodlebops:

Let me introduce you to
Runnie Doodle
Didi Doodle
Moe Doodle
I had first heard of them from my supplier.
My daycare provider.
She would put them on for the kids and silence would ensue.
I held off for awhile before succoumbing to the phenomenon called the Doodlebops.
ShopRite had a dvd of their show for $2.50.
Oh, that's right....$2.50, less than a People magazine.
How could I pass it up?
I brought it home last week.
Showed it Cheeks
I am surprised the dvd hasn't burned up yet.
When this dvd gets turned on, someone becomes so engrossed that I can shower.
O that's right.
They sing, they dance and they tell a story with a moral.
They even have a song about cauliflower.
Has it made Cheeks want to try cauliflower?
Not so much.
But it's a catchy tune.
Didi Doodle is permanently upbeat,
Moe Doodle is always hiding
Runnie Doodle, well, he's a bit annoying & I don't think there is any hope for procreation from him in the future but he's cute none the less.
The show can be a bit unnerving for the adult set and you will get all the tunes caught in your noggin.
It's worth tho. for some much needed quiet.
In the end, I must say I love the new crack for the Preschool set.
Bring it on!
What is crack for you kids?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Harry, oh Harry
You know a list of who you can still date when each of you are married to each other.
A Freebie if you will.
Bobster & I have such a list.
Mine includes such people as Vin Diesel, Chad Kroger & Kid Rock.
Bobster's is apparently on one of the wipee boards that you had as a kid. You know you write on it with the invisible ink pen, then when you want to erase you just lift the plastic from the bottom & it's all gone. Yea, his is on one of those.
Whatever, I don't really care.
Wanna know why?
Because Harry is on my list.
The Harry.
The one & only!
Harry Connick Jr.
So, imagine my surprise when Harry showed up at my house.
Well not really Harry himself but his likeness in the form of his new cd!
Your Songs.
Ah, croon to me Har.
This is what Harry thought was appropriate to sing to me (just me, it's my fantasy let me go with it!)
Album Tracklisting (Originally performed by):
All The Way (Frank Sinatra)
Just The Way You Are (Billy Joel)
Can’t Help Falling In Love With You (Elvis Presley)
And I Love Her (The Beatles)
(They Long To Be) Close To You (The Carpenters)
Besame Mucho
The Way You Look Tonight
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Roberta Flack)
Your Song (Elton John)
Some Enchanted Evening
And I Love You So (Don McLean)
Who Can I Turn To? (Tony Bennett)
Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
Mona Lisa (Nat King Cole)
All covers, all done wonderfully.
I didn't care for all of them.
Say Close to You.
Didn't like the song the first time around, still don't like it now.
Same w/ Just the Way you are. I am not a Billy Joel fan. Sorry.
As for Mona Lisa, All the Way, Some Enchanted Evening, well those have me weak in the knees. Harry can sing like no ones business.
I love listening to this cd in my mini van as I drive around. Cheekers doesn't really complain about Harry so I think deep down inside he prefers him over Elmo. Just sayin.
I got to see Harry play back in the day (like 5 yrs ago) in Philly at a small jazz restaurant. I will never forget it. My friend, Megan & I went. He played his score from a musical. Fantabulous! Not to mention I was about 20 feet him....I think some of his sweat dripped on me. Ah, good times.
As for this album, it's a definite for the collection. Easy listening, jazzy, poppy, you name it, that's what you will get. From standards to Top 10 hits Harry is covering them all. And his voice is like a shake going down a sore throat....smoooooooooooooth! So if I were you, I would get this album for your collection.
If you would like to put Harry on your list, just letting you know that I am on his list, right under Jill Goodacre. Sure she's a former VS model & I am just a chubby work out of the home housewife/mommy but I got it going on! Ha!
Seriously, if you have this cd, let me know what you think of it, I am curious.
*I received this cd from On2One Network....it is valued at under $40 and I received no compesation for my review*
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wordless Wednesday~Trick or Treating is On like Donkey Kong!
This was on our way down the campground to go Trick or Treating.
Probably the last good shot of nice teeth before the candy starts to rot them.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
So sweet, I think I got toothache. You know it's good then!
This particular one is so easy it should be illegal.
What am I talking about?
Halloween Bark!
O, that's right.
The good stuff.
The candy that goes directly to the bloodstream.
It's like crack!
Love it!!!
Um, candy, not crack.
First up.
Gather your ingredients.
You will need:
14 or so Oreo cookies...broken up.
1 cup pretzels, approx. I used mini's but feel free to use sticks.
1 1/2 cup candy corn
De piece de resitance (You are all impressed with me French language skills, are you not?)
White chocolate or almond bark ~ 1 lb. I used almond back...1 1/4 lb. Well worth the extra quarter.
You will have to melt the chocolate in the microwave.
30 seconds intervals til it's melted, not burned.
While doing that, spread the ingredients on wax paper on a cookie sheet.
Keep a reserve of about 1/4c. of candy corn. Next cover in the melted white chocolate.
Looks good, doesn't it?
Then throw in the refrigerator til set.
Break off pieces.
Store in air tight container....in or out of fridge.
Let me & my fat tushie tell you, it was.
Was, you say?
O, that's right.
I ate it.
Took me about a week & half.
No one else wanted any.
Well Cheeks did but I had to limit his sugar intake.
He's 3 after all.
The reason I didn't post this post early was I was in a sugar coma
I liked it!
So tell me, what is your go to homemade Halloween treat to make?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wordless Wednesday ~ Mom! It's my Idol!
He saw The Incredible Hulk & took off running.
He was in awe of the Hulk's incredible muscles & even took his finger & poked the Hulk's muscles.
The Hulk was ok with it.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner

The winner of the Nature Valley Granola Clusters Snack Prize is number 7.....Pam Schmidt!!!!
Random Integer Generator
Here is your random number:
Timestamp: 2009-10-10 15:02:52 UTC
Pam answered the question of what her fav element of nature is with this:
Anonymous said...
Nature? I do love walking naked and barefoot through the piles of freshly raked leaves with someone special.
Pam Schmidt
10/7/09 10:00 PM
So Pam I will need your addy to get your prize out to you!
Congrats to all & Thanks again My Blog Spark for sponsering this great giveaway!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
A night of decorating....
A very easy way to keep a very active 3yo busy.
Well at least for 10 minutes.
What do you need, you say?
Get yourself one of these:
Scored that bad boy @ Aldi's for $3.99.
Hello, total spave.
Then head to the Dollar Tree & pick up some googly eyes.
$1 for 125 eyes.
While a bargain I regretted my decision when I realized I had to individually attached glue dots to each one.
Someone wasn't very appreciative of my slow yet consistent effort.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Feel like I'm fallin for Fall
It's that time of year again.
My fav season.
Love Fall.
I officially know it's fall when I hear this little diddy.
Click on it.
You know you wanna.
It's catchy!
Of course this scent is my fav for this time of year.
Have it burnin every night now.

Saturday, October 03, 2009
All the single ladies
Know someone who is?
Then stay tuned.
Here at Meghan's Mindless Muttering, I will be doing a special feature....Meghan's Bachelor.
Oh that's right.
I will be having our own "Win a date w/ the Bachelor"
Here's a little sneaky peek to wet your whistle:

And ladies, he's a sweetie to begin with.
So if you are interested in finding out more about your bachelor & perhaps getting to know him, stay tuned.
Leave me a comment letting me know if it's your or someone you know who may be interested in getting to know our bachelor better!