
Monday, April 27, 2009

Let's recap, shall we

Friday night.
Date night.
This is something so rare for me & the Bobster I am still adjusting to having it actually happen.
Spur of the moment decision for us but we found someone to watch Cheeks (Thanks Uncle Chucky)
We decided to do dinner (TGI Fridays)
A movie.
I won movie passes in my Easter bag at work so the movie was free, except for the $7K in snacks that we bought at the concession stand.

We ended up seeing:

Oh that's right.
I saw a typical guy movie.
I had seen 1 & 3 but not 2. I liked 3 & can't really remember 1 but seriously you do not need to really see these movies to pick up the plot.

The flick was good, albeit slow, lmho.
Don't tell Bobster but I really went for the eyecandy.

Well hello Vin!
Do you think he works out?
Anyway, this man could stand on screen & lip sync to a Britney Spears song & I would pay top dollar to see it.
So, um, Vin....again, call me! You know the number.

Saturday was a fun filled day.
Allergies started to kick in.
I also watched the girlies along with Cheeks from 1pm til midnite so the manly men could race.
I tried to take them outside but along with being hot, my eyes were itchy & I couldn't stop sneezing.
Plus my nosey ass neighbor was outside & she is always babbling about something nonsensical so we spent the better part inside.

After dinner I had enough of trying to entertain & keep safe the 3 little ones.
The girls are 6 & then Cheeks is 2 1/2 so my energy level was a bit down.
What to do?
What to do?

I put their tushies outside & gave them ice cream.

So glad I put them outside.
The girlies managed to stay clean but the little guy, Oy! Vat a mess!
I put all their tushies to bed at like 8.
Then it was quiet time for the Mommy/Aunt.

Sunday was spent indoors.
At this point my eyes were swollen shut & my nose is constantly on fire.
I baked my mom a Lemon Riccotta cake (recipe to come soon) to celebrate her bday.
Did laundry.
Straightened up.
Cleaned the tumbleweeds out of my bedroom.
The usual.

So what did you do?

Woops out!


Kristie W.

Glad you had a great date night! I saw that movie a few weeks ago and loved it. I am a big Paul Walker fan.

Sorry about the allergies!

My weekend - I made a few cards, they're on the blog! Also went to a cousin's bday party.

Tara O

Great movie...and I liked it. And I did NOT go to see the eye candy...LOL. Who needs anymore Y chromosomes...eek. LOL. I have four boys, incl the dh under this roof...way TOO MUCH testosterone.

Pat and I went to lunch on Friday at Chili's in Ramstein. The AF base there has Chili' American food. What a concept...ok let's rephrase...American food that isn't Burger King, Anthony's Pizza or Taco Smell. LOL. Pat worked all weekend on a case...glad he's helping someone. Wish it were me. LOL


Sounds like a great weekend, well except for the unbearable heat and the allergies. We took my little guy to the movies on Sunday to see Monsters vs Aliens.