They call it. . . .
Being PISSED! Oh yes! Pissed! Seeing
Bobby is home this week. He is starting a new job on Monday. Don't ask what happened to the odl job. Well I left him a list this morning that consisted of vacuuming the bedroom & living room, scrubbing out the bathtub b/c of all the oil & grease that accumulates from him & running the dishwasher & putting the clean dishes away. I figured making the bed was a given.
I was gone from 7:30 to almost 5:30. I talked to him about 9:30 & asked him what he was going to do today. He said "I don't know, your list & stuff."
Of course he wasn't home when I got home. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but he has my cell phone b/c his got turned off & I have no house phone so I can't reach him or anyone! Not to mention nothing was done on the list.
I ask & ask & ask him to help. I get loud, I cry cause I get so frustrated. I can't do it all! I have even gone so far as to hire my friend's little sister to come clean every 2 weeks b/c some stuff is just becoming too difficult for me to do. He knows this. So I come home to a bed that looks like kids played on it & his dirty dishes on the nightstand from last night. The couch is torn up from when he slept on it & he has not fixed it. The dishes aren't washed & don't ask me about the tub.
I am at my wits end! I don't know what to do.
I am not used to this.
It's not fair for me to have to do it all!
I want to take my car & run it into a tree, that's how frustrated I am. If it wasn't for the fact that I am carrying my son I would probably scream, throw a hissy go take out my aggregrations somehow.
I don't know what to do. I have done the whole I quit thing & it just doesn't bother him. I really am having a hard time with this & now, he knows I am here w/o a phone & I tell him over & over I shouldn't be without one b/c I am pregnant & anything could happen.