Love his style.
Love his potty mouth (I am developing mine based on his! LOL)
Anyway, just now, he sent home my favorite contestant.
The Waffle House cook.
For a split second.
I was pissed!
Chef Ramsey did something he has never done before.
He told Julia he was sorry & that she had talent that he,
he personally,
was going to send her to culinary school & wanted her to comeback & compete.
That sealed the deal for me.
I adore him more now then before.
What a sexy mo~fo!!!!
He's married, 4yrs older than me & even has a daughter named...Megan!
So I have expressed my dying devotion to Chef Ramsey.
I think if I were to ever meet him, I would just babble.
I do that anyway.
Well, I am sad to say goodbye to Julia but that leaves just 3 competers.
Jen (I think?)
I am routing now for Bonnie.
She's got spunk!
Woops out~!
I can't bring myself to watch this show but my 13 year old watches it religiously. Loves it!
i was sooooo impressed!
i actually cried last night when he told julia he was sending her to culinary school. there's a heart underneath that gruff exterior!
i'd have rather seen rock, with all his attitude, go home, but all in all, it was pretty satisfying.
You are so funny! He just comes off so awful on the previews that I don't watch - but neat what he said to the contestant.
I don't have cable, but I used to catch this when I was on vacation visiting my in-laws, awesome show!
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