
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 Has Come to an End

Halloween 2010 has come.
Has saw.
Has conquered.

I have one tired Mittens upstairs.

About 2pm we headed out.
Look at him.
Raring to go!

An hour later, Mittens asked if we could head home because he was done TOT & wanted to go home to have a treat.
So we headed home & check out the loot.
He chose the Nerds Rope, which he was eating a piece of when I took this pic.
A piece.
No way was I letting him eat the whole rope.
Oiy ve!

He is now sleeping off the fun of TOT, the lateness of a Halloween party last night & the crash of a sugar high.

How was your Halloween 2010?



let us not forget what a good boy he was at nana's and ate his whole dinner so he could have the mounds and 3 muskateer's bar he earned. and he was pretty well sugared up when he got here. he was a good kitten...meeee owwwww


My grand muffins had the same bags! Thanks again, my prize came just in time for TOT.