turns ONE!
Maybe I present Mr. Man himself, Cheekers in his "official" birthday portraits!

Being one, Cheekers feels he is old enough for a vacation in the tropics, so I had to pry him away from his Mai Tai's for the above said photo shoot.

Happy Birthday my precious boy!!!!
I love you!
Daddy loves you!
Tim & Chris love you!
So does the rest of you family!!!!!!!!
OH my goodness look how BIG! What a handsome little man! Lucky you, he's awesome! :) Happy Birthday Ethan!
He is such the cutie!!!! One already??? Geesh!!! Happy birthday little man! :)
Beautiful photos Hon. He's a cutie!
Happy Birthday Peanut!
Happy birthday to little Ethan!!! He is so adorable!
Happy Birthday, Ethan!!!
The first year does go by like lightening doesn't it?
Look how big he is! What handsome boy you have! Happy Birthday Ethan!
Awesome pix, Meghan!!! How loverly is Mr. Man!!! Happy birthday, little one!
Oh my gosh isn't he just adorable! I still wanna kiss those cheeks!
Happy Happy Birthday sweet boy!
Hugs to both of you,
it sure doesn't feel like an entire year to me......i guess it must have FLOWN by for you! happy birthday gorgeous! dream big and play hard!
OMG>.. He's so dang cute! and he grew up so fast... congrats Meghan!
OMG Meggers... how can he be 1? He's gotten so big.. cute as ever though. Happy Birthday little man!!!
Wow Meghan, I can't believe Ethan is one years old! He is sooo cute and sooo handsome of course he does have the Woeppel genes in him so how can it not be good looking!LOL! Hope everyone is doing well,
Take care and give Ethan a big kiss and hug from his Aunt Patty and Uncle Mike.
Love ya's
he's so precious! love that laughing smile! makes you want to just snuggle him up. Happy B-day Ethan!
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