NCW you ask?
That's short for National Cupcake Week.
Rachael Ray has EVOO, I have NCW.
Anyway, to help celebrate this phenomonal week check out this giveaway at Sisterly Savings

How freakin adorable is this apron!!!!
Now don't go run & enter because you will all ruin my chances at winning & you all know the size of tushie will just look delightful with that apron running around my waist! I actually LOVE this apron.
Who wouldn't?
It has cupcakes on it!!!! Can you stand it?????
Now onto my award!!!
I would like to thank the Academy of Music & Quincy Jones for producing my album.....WHAT? It's not a grammy.
I knew I had no musical ability....don't tell my family...they think I am the next Mariah Carey. Well, my son does & that's all that counts.
Tranquilty & Turmoil has bestowed this award on me. I am soooooooooooooo flattered!!!!
This award comes with a requirement tho., a fun one.
I need to post 6 things I value & 6 things I do not then pass it on to 6 other awesome bloggers!
Here we go.
- Family
- Friends
- Faith
- Happiness
- Stability
- Mental Health (yea, yea, laugh....sadly, it's true! LOL)
Not Value
- Deceit
- Bad music
- Poor mental health (see values #6)
- Frenemies
- No faith
- Unhappiness
And this award goes to:
- Darlene over at Darlene's Days
- Jamie over at Keary Family Happeings (who also was the only one who guessed who the mystery girl was in my Foto Flashback Friday, so chica...send me you addy & I will send you a small, humble prize!)
- Renee over at My Cooking Adventures
- Julie at Cool Mom Guide
- Connie at The Young & Relentless
- Erin at My Rambles
There ya have it!!!
Now girlers who pick up their awards, post 6 values & 6 non values & pass on the award to 6 other bloggers.
Also, all 2 of my readers, wait make that 10, tell me what your fav cupcake is.
Mine is really...ANY! I don't discriminate when it comes to sweets.
Woops out!