Sunday, August 31, 2008
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Not the music.
The noise level.
In my house.
You want to know why???
It's just me.
In my house.
No tv.
No toddler, screaming, in the background.
The children asking a million questions.
No speed vision!
Bobster has taken Cheekers to play race car today!!!!
I dont' know what to do first.
Do I nap?
Do I scrap?
Do I thrift?
Do I just sit here, stare into space & enjoy the silence?
I have to first take the laundry out.
Then I can enjoy all of what I like to call....Me time!
Woops out!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Why I should wear my glasses while driving

Anywho, see those succulent blueberries up there?
On the scale.
Yum, right?
Well the little old ladies that sell the flowers apparently are in the blueberry biz as well.
Quite the savvy business woman.
Anyway, as I drive by all week I see a big ole sign "$3!!!"
So today, I had 3 one dollar bills.
All day I dreamt of the tasty fresh, pesticide free blueberries I was gonna pick up for $3.
I was dreaming of pancakes, scones, muffins, you name it, I was thinking about...any wonder why I have a weight problem?
So after work I zip on down the road in my trusy mini van, pull over, look at the sing & to my amazement when up close I notice it doesn't say $3 but $8.
$8 for everything in the basket, just leave the basket.
Now while this is a killer deal, I would be eating blueberries for like 50 years.
I mean this was like a large apple crate filled & over flowing with the suckers.
So I left.
Disappointed b/c I realized the sign said $8 freakin dollars the whole time.
I just couldn't tell because I don't wear my glasses to drive during the day.
Darn me!
So there will be no pancakes, scones, muffins or more.
All I can do is dream of the pics up above.
Woops out!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This, that & other things

Whose in the mood for fall?
And I really need apothecary jars.
I want them!!!!
Aren't they scrumptious up there? All decked out for fall?
I am sad to see the summer end but Autumn is totally my favorite season!
I can't wait to break out the decor.
The Nana & I went tonight to The Christmas Tree Shop. Do you have one by you?
Totally love this store.
They had all their fall/Halloweeny stuff out.
I managed to just pick up a ghost cookie cutter (to cut someone's sandwiches into shapes...Bobster just loves that! Tee hee) & some Halloweeny cupcake liners.
So after going there, & the weather is cool, I am ready to break out the Autumnal mood!
Speaking of mood, last night for some unknown reason I ended up watching Hilary Clinton speak at the Democratic Convention.
Now, keep in mind, I do not get involved in politics or follow it much but I was watching.
Also this is my blog & my opinion. If you disagree, please comment but don't be mean or nasty, k?
Also, comment if you agree.
Just comment...I love them.
Total comment whore!
Anywho, I was watching her & she was going on about why she ran for President.
At the end, she said "This is why you should vote for Barack Obama".
That's great Hil, but shouldn't you have been talking about him, not you.
No longer about you.
Most of all tho., the thing that got me was Michelle Obama.
The woman looked totally disgusted with everything last night.
She looked like she was smelling poop the entire time.
An attitude just oozed from her.
I don't know who I support just yet but if Michelle's attitude is any indication of her husband's then....
Well, Cheeks & Bobster have returned.
They worked on the race car.
My son if filthy!
Off to give baths.
Woops out!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My little baby.
My little man.
I can't believe he's 2!!!
Got his 1st time out at daycare yesterday.
Apparantly tackling Molly & hitting her are a no~no.
Who knew?
So who is on Facebook?
This site totally rocks.
My friend, Mike, invited me.
I have found so many people from high school.
Sadly, high school was 20 years ago.
Can't be!
Who else is anxiously awaiting the premiere of the new 90210?
Come on, I can't be the only dork.
I will be watching.
I was totally addicted to the orig & I still watch it in reruns, along with Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel but I digress.
Over the weekend I made these:
Crispy Carmel Brownie Treats
Very tasty buggers if I do say so myself.
Surprisingly, the boys & Bob didn't like them.
Bobster said too sweet, the kids didn't like rice krispie treats.
Um, who doesn't like rice krispie treats.
Isn't that un-American.
So I sent them with the Nana for the PopPop.
PopPop is a sweets person.
Hopefully he liked them.
Take a gander at the recipe but better yet take a gander at the whole blog:
Picky Palate
I am surprised this girl doesn't have her own show on the Food Network.
Trust will find something you like on her site.
Well, my exciting Tuesday evening is about to come to ahead. I hear my washer hitting the spin cycle which can only mean I get to hang up laundry very soon.
O when will the excitement end!
Woops out!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Weekend over, work week begun
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The reason I am shopping for new furniture
See those 2....oldest & youngest (not sure where the middle one was at this point).
I am the mom of 3 boys....therefor my furniture takes a beating.
This gives me an excuse to shop, well dream shop is more like it.
So I have found a site with Modern Furniture. Why Modern Furniture? I live with 3 boys & a man child. Think readers! Think! Tee hee. This site is pretty nifty too. They have sectionals, love seats, chaises.....enough to let me dream the dream into reality.
They also have Contempary Furniture. Again it allows me to dream. Dream I say b/c they are expensive but like my Grandpop said....You get what you pay for, no? So I am looking at gorgeous furniture that is quality.
For those shoppers that aren't big Contempary Furniture or Modern Furniture fans, the site also offers a nice selection of Italian Furniture. You know, the kind with the plastic still on it.
Just kidding. The furniture really is beautiful!
So if you are looking for quality Designer Furniture, check all those links up there out.
You will so not be disappointed. Even if you are just dream shopping.
Woops out!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Public Service Announcement

This come with care & concern.
I have 2 to bestow upon you.
1. If you can not see over the steering wheel, do not drive. This is for your safety. You do not make turns correctly, you cut people off & most times you drive 10 mph in a 35mph zone. Also you tend to weave. If I can not see your head above the headrest of your car, it's time to let go of driving.
2. Inside furniture does not, I repeat does not belong on the outside porch, deck, etc. Example: An old couch, with holes & rips, belongs in the trash, not as furniture for your front porch. Example: The stove, while attractive in it's normal environment, not so much on the porch. Also brass lamps with lampshades belong in the den,living room etc, not on the floor of your deck plugged in.
This will conclude today's PSA.
If you agree, please comment.
If you do not, please comment.
I welcome all comments.
Woops out!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Weekend Update
We survived tho.
Here is Cheekers in his "Construction Hat" ($.99 cents at Goodwill...spaved!)
The shirt I found on Etsy & promptly sent the link to the Grandpop.
Cute eh?
Kept it simply.
Chips & pretzels.
I used Cheeks toys to serve.
Pretty crafty eh?
Aunt Kathy gave him this.
Total hit!
And it has sounds effects.
Lucky me.
Just some pics of the cake.
I got him the exact same one for the family get together.
It was pretty darn good too!
Score for Shop Rite!
Getting ready to blow out the big number "2" candle.
I think this is the only pic of me with him, so at least all my adoring blog readers know I really exist! LOL
That is Aunt Kathy in the background with her daughter Amanda.
Amanda is 6 mos younger than Cheeks & is just as tall.
Guess when your dad is 6'5 & your mom is 6ft, your chances are pretty good that you will be tall!
That's all the pics I will post for now.
Don't want to you bore you all.
Woops out!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Mr. Man

Where did it go?
How did he get to be 2????
Happy Birthday Mr. Man, Mommy & Daddy & Older Boy & Middle One love you!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A little bit of happiness found on a roadside stand
Every morning on my way to work there are 2 little old bitties outside.
In white hats,
white gloves,
Tending to their flowers.
Every afternoon when I leave work I pass a house.
Outside the house is a roadside stand.
Where 2 little old bitties sell their flowers in bouquets.
$2 a bouquet.
Today I stopped.
Slapped down a $5 on their "honor" table.
Took 2 bouquets, no change.
One for the Nana.
One for me.
Flowers bring happiness.
Don't you agree?????
So I came home & put them in my Southern Living pitcher & viola! brightened up my dining room!!
Then I preceeded to make 18 cupcakes with "Funfetti" icing for Cheeks to take to daycare tomorrow.
Big man is turning 2 on Saturday.
I don't want to talk about it.
I can't believe it.
I can.
Especially tonight when he came over, opened the gate into the kitchen (b/c he can.....guess it's really not doing it's job now)
promptly told me to
or in other words
I am not sure what I was doing but he didn't like it.
Then he threw a shoe at Aunt Erin's head.
Good times.
Good times.
Thank goodness for the naughty step.
Keep your fingers crossed.....seems to be working.
Woops out!
*Edited to add: When I went to take the cupcakes to the car I noticed the icing had melted off & was laying in the bottom of the containers. Note to self: Do not put cupcakes in Rubbermaid containers & then put lid on to stay overnight.
I am slightly disappointed b/c I really wanted them to look nice for Cheeks 1st official "take a treat to school for your bday"
on the other hand
I think the oldest kid there is 4 & kids don't care.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Good ideas?
I know you have all just been waiting with baited breath to see him with his new do.
Tres sexy, yes?
I played around with photoshop on both of these shots.
The second one I did the brightness darker & the contrast lighter.
I like the way it turned out.
Artsy Fartsy, ya know?
He's a handsome devil!!!

Now I want to know what makes men think certain things are good ideas.
It is a good idea to leave your dirty underwear under the end table.
It is a good idea to just leave your clothes whereever you take them off.
It is a good idea to just throw your clothes in the closet, hangers are meant for losers.
It is a good idea to just leave the drawer open because God knows if you close it, you will just have to open it again when you need socks.
It is a good idea to have holes the size of your head in your socks (and lets not forget the underwear).
This is what I ponder today.
Obviously men are the thinkers because I have never thought about any of those things.
Woops out!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday! Monday!
2 days of being back on the meds.
Much better....well for the most part.
Nothing really Earth shattering to report.
I could do one of those 100 things about me post but really, 100 things....that's a lot.
So I am opening up my blog to the readers.
Feel free to ask me anything you would like to know.
I will then answer them in an upcoming post.
Sound good?
BTW, did you know you can go to Martha Stewart online & sign up for cookie, craft & organization of the day. Not to mention the Halloween, Christmas & Thanksgiving tip of the day.
Of course, I have signed up! Plus she is starting her Halloween workshop Sept 8th (I think). That should be fun. She will also have a workshop for Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Sign up!
Get cool tips!
Woops out!
Public Service Announcement
Make sure you take them everyday.
Going about 10 days without taking one will severly alter the chemicals in your brain.
I know of what I speak.
Woops out.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Shag a delic!
The shag.
The Cheeks has short hair again.
I will take a pic & post tomorrow.
I had my mom cut it...SHORT!
He looks like such a little man now.
On another note, in about a week, he goes for his 2 yr check up & shots, I will be asking my doctor about this but if any of you have toddlers please give me some advice.
Cheeks beats the shit out of me.
Oh yea. I said it!
When he doesn't want to go somewhere or get in the car or out of the tub or have his diaper change, he flips out & kicks, hits, squirms, wiggles & head butts his way. I am usually holding him at this point.
He likes to throw himself back as well.
Last week he didn't like to have to get in his pj's after his bath so he slapped me across the face, twice.
When I go to change him, he kicks me and turns himself over & holds onto the side of the changing table so I can't turn him over.
I am at my wits end.
I do not know what to do.
I have tried ignoring it.......doesn't work.
I have tried reasoning with him......really, reasoning with him....he's going to be 2 in a week. I know what was I thinking.
I have slapped his tushie.
I have done time out.
Nothing is working & I am really the only one he does this too.
Anyone have any advice?
I know part of it is terrible two's but I am beginning to think I am going to need to wear padding whenever he's awake.
Sorry to whine, just had to get it out.
Still on a quest to redecorate.
It's never-ending really.
Went to Goodwill today & scored!
I even found a plastic construction kid's hard hat for Cheeks party next week. $.99 cents.
I also got 2 framed Target prints of a dump truck & a firetruck for Cheeks bedroom.
I picked up some Polish China dishes to see if they were worth anything.
Of course they are worth.....NADA.
O well.
Perhaps I will paint them or use them as is.
Have you scored anything while thrifting lately?
Share with me.
Oh yea, and the advice for not getting beat up by 2 yr old.
Woops out!
So sad

Bernie Mac passed away today.
Complications from pneumonia.
Only 50.
So young.
So talented.
I really don't usually post entries like this but Bernie Mac was a funny man.
Bobster was a fan, as was I.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Lookee! Lookee! A Prize & Some Modern Furniture!
I was the winner over at Mama's Cup (a blog written by a girl named she is obviously cool!)
This is all Kiss My Face products.
And Hello! They are full size.
I am so excited to have won this & I can't wait to use it on the Cheekers.
He will so love those whale soaps. I like them so much I want to "save them for good"
Does anyone else do that?
Save things for good?
Funny isn't it. You like it so much, you save it & never use it.
So I want to say thank you to Meaghan for hosting such a cool giveaway & for picking me!
Thank you!
Thank you!
So I have the decorating bug again.
I am planning on painting this green display shelf that I have. I am going to do it black. I think I may put it in the my bedroom when done.
Well my bedroom is a hole & anything should help make it better, right?
I desperately need furniture in there.
So I am in the mood & have been surfing the net.
I actually have been looking for Modern Furniture. Which lead me here!
Of course, I have Bobster in mind.
The man likes black laquer furniture (I mean like the black laquer with gold trim...lovely!) Lets not forget the gigantic lamp with spider legs. Very Metropolitan Home no?
Anyway I think this particular Modern Bedroom would meet his tastes, what do you think? It's lacquer but white. I just can't bring myself to do the black kind. This website does have various white bedroom sets. That particular one is one of my favs.
I particulary like the headboard on this Modern Bedroom set. You? I think I can make this manly or shabby about manby chic? I think I just coined a new phrase!
This site also does kids furniture...which as you all know I am redoing the boys room & the Cheekers. Sigh.
Wish I had a money tree in the yard.
Does anyone have a money tree in the yard?
If you do, please send me a seedling for me to start my own tree.
On that note, I am outty.
Fox Reality has on Trashiest Weddings.
The last one had a Port o Potty theme & the groom was wearing a wife beater, suspenders & a pimp hat.
O Yea!
You know it's a par-tay then!
Woops out!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
6 Word Memoir & Tag
So the Meme Rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post.
4 Tag five more blogs with links
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
My memoir reads:
I am a pathetic, doormat schmuck.
Sums me up.
In 6 words.
I am not tagging anyone else b/c I just gave out awards yesterday
if you wanna do it, feel free!!
My next tag was tagged to me by Tanya. Thanks Tanya.
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
So here are a few things about Me......
1. I absolutely love empty trash cans. To fill them up makes me feel accomplished.
2. Like Tanya, my finger nails are never painted but the tootsies always are.
3. I read like 30 times a day!
4. I am obsessed with foodie & home decorating blogs.
5. I still have my tonsils & appendix.
6. I flew to Florida to meet a guy that I was talking to from the internet & spent a week with him. Thankfully he wasn't a serial killer.
Now for the people I tag, well I tag no one.
Whoever would like to participate, let me know by leaving me mad blog love telling me you did one of these.
Right now I am going to finish reading the email & blogs then I am going to bed to read the new People with the Jolie-Pitt twins on the cover.
You know you are all going to look at it in line while waiting to check out.
I just took it one stop further & bought the sucker.
Woops out!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I would like to thank the Academy....

Look who visited me!!!
Who is he, you ask?
That's my nephew.
My brother's 1st son (ok, I know some of you knew I had a brother BUT who knows his name???!!!??)
Anywho, this is Colin.
Look at those cheeks.
OMG! I could bite them.
And his cries are just the sweetest ever.
I forgot what it was like to just hold a little one who isn't struggling to get down or trying to hit you with his toy. LOL Plus Colin weighs like 18 pounds. It was like holding a feather!
Colin hung out for like 3 hours then headed home with Daddy to go to bed for the night.
Cheeks loved his cousin.
So to my brother, if you are reading this blog & I know you have the url now b/c you immed me yesterday for it, bring Colin back!!!!!!!! We want to play with him!!!!!!
To my readers, stay tuned.
Update to happen tonight or tomorrow...2 recipes I made (sorry Jacquie, I cooked, I know I was your partner in crime in the no cooking but these recipes were to good to pass up!) plus I won a blog award & I need to do a tag (actually 2) that I got awhile ago.
Woops out!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
He works cheap!