Friday, November 28, 2008
Winner Winner! Chicken Dinner!
3 baskets.
3 winners.
I picked by Random Number generator
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
They are:
#63 - Toohotforturtle
#17 - Melissa Chapman
#47 - Shel
Alrighty, look for an email from me & send me your addy's so I can get your prizes out to you.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all have a wonderful day & eat til the muffin top appears.
Don't forget the giveaway here.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You have a little something right there
Good times, he went right in the tub after having his ice cream cake.
He's a bit of a messy eater.
Do you know what the sweetest thing was that this child did the other night?
I gave him his bath early & he came downstairs & sat next to me on the couch.
Watching Rachael Ray.
He snuggled up next to me, laid his head on the side of my belly.
Head started to get heavier & heavier.
Then I noticed a nice steady breathing.
The child fell asleep against me at 6:50pm.
I left him there for about 20 mins or so & then took him upstairs.
He slept til 7:15am the next morning.
I don't think he moved in his sleep at all.
It was the sweetest thing.
I love watching him sleep.....usually when he's awake he's a blur!
What sweet things have happened to you this week?
Speaking of sweet, don't forget about my giveaway here.
Still time to win!!!
Entries must be received by Friday morning, 8am est.
Woops out!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's Giveaway Tuesday!
That's right.
It's giveaway time.
And it's the best giveaway too.
It's a Pillsbury Gift Basket:
The basket includes a coupon for Pillsbury refrigerated crescent rolls, a magnetic
coupon holder, a house-shaped mouse pad, pot holders, a cookie sheet, a
bread basket and a loveable Pillsbury Doughboy figurine.
How cool does this sound?
And right before the holidays.
Speaking of the holidays, Pillsbury is sharing the warmth of home this holiday season by helping stock America’s food banks. Go visit there website & see how you can help them make this happen!!!! I did, I hope you do too.
I have 3 of these baskets to give to 3 winners.
How, pretell, does one win?
That is easy peasy!
You can:
- Leave a comment telling me your favorite Pillsbury product. If you leave a comment & you don't blog, leave me an email addy so I can get in touch with you. That's important, if I can't get in touch with you, you can't win.
- Post about this giveaway on your blog & link back to my blog. Then leave me a comment w/ the link. This earns you another entry for 2 entries.
- You can also subbed (<~~~over there is the button) to my blog or you can follow me thru blogger. Do one or the other & gain another entry!
So you have at least 3 ways to earn one, two or three entries into the pot.
I will use a random number generator to pick the 3 winners!
This giveaway will stay open until Friday morning at 8am.
I will post the winner sometime Friday.
Good luck!
Woops out!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Laid off Pays off & other mutterings
Not I!
My mojo came back, well it's either back or I have a ton more time on my hands. Prob the latter.
Anyway I created this two puppies over the weekend.
Feast your eyes on these!:

I am hoping to get last years holiday done before this years comes.
Good plan, no?
Hope I can execute it.
On another note, late Saturday night as I was scrapping at my dining room table, out of the corner of my eye I notice the cat run across the floor & slip under my washing machine in the kitchen.
No big deal.
Except...WE DON"T HAVE A CAT!!!!!!!
He's back!

If only he was this cute.
He's black tho.
I haven't seen him since.
Guess he's visiting Minnie for the holidays.
Hopefully he will stay in Florida or Cali....whichever state he went to, I don't care I just really don't want him back. You know it's nice without him here.
Yesterday Bobster surprised me by arranging for a sitter & took me to see the movie of my choice.
I chose...Twilight.
Good choice...well for me at least, Bobster not so much.
I loved it.
He hated it.
He expected vampires baring teeth & action.
He got vampires falling in love, being nice & a romance story.
I haven't read the book but I wanted to see the movie.
So glad I went.
It was Fab-U-lous! Simply fabulous!!
Only downfall was this theater didn't have pretzel bites.
Hello...what kind of theater doesn't have pretzel bites? I should boycott but it's a close theater to the house.
What movie have you seen recently that is a must see?
Tell me!
Also, don't forget about these freebies!!!
You must get in on the snack bar...I got mine & it came with coupons.
Woops out!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Freebie Alert
Plus I made my mom & dad sign up for it too so I get a mailing every month X 3!!!
Matter of fact I went food shopping today & used 3 of the coupons that came in the mailing, each were worth $1.50, so my 2 pkges of diapers for $9.99 came down to $8.49 & then I ran out of body wash for the Cheekers so Huggies was on sale for $2.49 - $1.50 coupon...Hello! $.99 cents! You can't beat that with a stick.
So go!
Sign up!
What are you waiting for???
Woops out!
Officially the 1st day of being laid off

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Winners, Losers
Come on!
I know there are other America's Next Top Model junkies out there.
I can not believe McKey won.
Don't get me wrong, she's a beautiful girl:

To me she lacked sparkle.
Not sure what.
Definitely pretty & when they cut her hair...WoW!
I just don't think she deserved to win.
Now Sam.
Yes Sam should have won.
As most ANTM fan's know, most of the girls that go on to be really successful are the runner ups so I am sure my girl Sam will be seen soon by all in the public eye.
So, congrats McKey.
I am happy for you.
Just disappointed my girl Sam didn't take home the "crown."
Now onto the loser part.
That would be me.
My job has been in jeapordy now since early summer.
It just got worse yesterday.
Well really Tuesday.
Seems corp is closing our Calif. warehouse but neglected to tell our Calif. branch. They also asked for a copy of our Calif. office's lease.
Then my boss upped & quit yesterday.
He has been there over 20 yrs but got tired of all the bs that is going on.
They told him to just leave.
NICE! Way to treat someone with that much tenor.
Now it's just me & one other girl.
The big boss told us he would call us today to discuss our future.
I couldn't wait so I emailed him to ask if we still had a job.
Of course, no response.
So that pretty much concretes the "layoff" in stone for me & the other girl.
Guess it will be back to the pole for me.
Hope they give paper money this time as coins are freakin cold this time of year.
Now, where are my Lucite heels???
Nothing much else going on.
Got some free shipping @ Toys R Us online yesterday, so I think Cheeks may be done. Perhaps a shirt or two.
I totally love shopping online.
So convenient & I can shop in my pj's!!!
Not that I couldn't shop in them out in the real world but they are plaid & plaid tends to make my tushie look like a billboard.
So where are you doing your Xmas shopping this year????
Woops out!
*Edited to add....HR & the CEO of Finance were waiting for me & my coworker today when we arrived at work.
They laid us off immediately.Sigh. Good times before the holidays*
*Edited to add...I just won the quickie giveaway over at Dine & Dish. I won a copy of a Taste of Home Cookbook. Yay....looks as if the day isn't shot totally to Hell. LOL*
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
On another note, make sure you sign up for this.
Coupons always come in handy....even more so during the holidays.
I signed up...easy what are you waiting for!
Woops out!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh Ridemakerz, you make us all happy!
I was fortunate enough to get a chance to review a radio controlled car from Ridemakerz. is like Build A Bear for the elementary to adult set. Except you build a car, not a bear, hence the name.
They have a few stores across the country in South Carolina & Maryland to name a few.
But their website is just as good as the store!
Anyway I have to say this company knows how to please a 10 yr old & his parents (even his little 2 yr old brother who stood at the edge of the table & whined "Cah, Cah, Cah" ~ he has a Boston accent even tho. we are outside Philly...go figure!)
Here is Chris opening his cool gift! He was thrilled. Check out the stylish box. Ooh la la!
You also get to pick out your tires (like I said, you customize it to your liking). We got the Tattoo line of tires, they are $3.00 a set, not bad.
Here you can see a lot of what came in the kit. You even got a "wheelie bar". I had no idea what it was & after some eye rollin from the men in my abode, I learned this was to keep the car from tipping when doing wheelies. We also got an exhaust system to put on the car & nitros. I know about nitros from the Fast & Furious movies (a very special shout out to Vin Diesel....I am here for you if things don't work out between you & your girlfriend). Ok back to the real reason for the post ( me!)
Getting the nitros ready.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Presenting Mr. Double Digits!!!
Mr. 10 years old himself:
Today is the big day.
Happy Birthday Chris.
You are now 10.
Double digits.
That means....................well I am not sure what that means except it makes me feel old!
Just some random shots from weekend.
We will have a small family party for him over Thanksgiving.
The "stomach" flu hit the household this weekend.
Good times!
Thankfully it seems to have gone away.
Yesterday while someone was napping I took advantage & decided to scrap.
I only got one page done.
It's simple because I am working out of just my stash & I am getting to the bare min in supplies (yea me!)
This is from Christmas 2007. Scanned horrible, as TimBob really isn't that funny looking. LOL

I attempted to do some Xmas shopping this weekend.
Didn't get one iota.
Just wasn't feeling it.
I went to one of the local malls & couldn't find anything.
I seem to do much better online.
Anyone know of any good online shops for gifts this season???
Leave me a comment & let me know!
On that note..............Woops out!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Easy to do.
I signed up & got mine.
Of course don't forget this one!
Offer no longer valid
Tasty little bugger & my sample came with coupons.
Have you gotten your free potatos yet?
Then sign up!!
Hope you enjoy Saturday Freebies!!
I love freebies.
It's a decent day here but Cheeks had his flu shot today so he is miserable with a capital M.
Gave him some Tylenol to help.
Bobster is sick.
White as a ghost.
The boys are here but right now are at a football game.
It's Chris's bday Monday so we will celebrate tomorrow.
What's on the rest of your weekend agenda?
Woops out!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Favorite Things
Oprah does it.
Why can't I?
So, now, I present to you.....A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS (cue the music!)
First up we have what should be on everyone's list!
The Coach Bag.
Check it out.
Stylish yet classic.
Can't go wrong with this bag!
Next we have what everyone should be watching on Thursday nights: Ugly Betty Season 2 on DVD (hint! hint! to anyone who reads my blog & buys me presents!!). I do not want to discuss last nights episode & what happened between Marc & Cliff.....I almost cried! That's all I am going to say.
And, pretell, what is this. Look closely. It appears to be a spatula, in PINK, made for a Princess. Hello~!
This can be found at Williams Sonoma.

For the Love of God people.....RUN & get this. It smells so darn good!

Go get this one!
It's a can't miss.
By the best band out there!!!
Amazon I think is selling it for like $9.95.

Next up, this cute, cute hot pink crinolin to go under a fun flirty skirt.
A girl needs to be flirty every now & then.
Of course:
My Hips
My Tush
Oooh, no so much!!
I will leave this to my readers who have no hips & tush. I envy you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Christmas Spaving
Tee hee.
Or he's sick of Xmas shopping already & has had enough.
Don't know which.
So, who is Xmas shopping?
I so am!!!
I scored a kick tushie deal on something for TimBob.
Ended up with free shipping & 20% off.
Then I got the girls matching jumpers with Disney princesses on them for a song!
Had to pay shipping but sometimes you have to bite the bullet. Still worked out to a great deal!
The dilemma in my shopping comes to my daycare.
Well not my daycare per say, Cheeks.
There is the owner.
Plus 3 employees (one being her teenage son who Cheeks adores).
The other 2 are college age girls.
I ended up getting the girls these cute pouches off of Etsy
Super sweet & I am going to put gift cards in them surrounded by candy (like kisses, minatures, random things like that).
For the owner, who also works there & is just the nicest person on the planet, I am planning on getting a g/c for higher $$ than the girls & perhaps some children's books for the daycare.
Not sure on that.
Of course these will be Visa g/c's that way they can spend whereever they want.
My dilemma comes with her son.
All I know is he's really good with the kids & is in a band.
I would like to get him a g/c & something to go with it but he's a teenage boy, so I am stumped.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Perhaps my Aunt Patty could chime in since she had a teenage son once
My Aunt Dar b/c well she had 3 teenage sons.
So give me a shout out ladies on what to get him.
That pretty much concludes the shopping to this point.
No, wait, that's a lie.
Santa has picked up somethings for Cheeks & Chris.
I spaved on those....I mean Santa did!
BTW, keep your eyes peeled to the blog, I am going to have a super cool giveaway soon.
One that I think you like!!!
No, wait, I know you will like!
So before you leave, give me a suggestion for the teenboy, I may just use it for my own 15 yr old!
Woops out!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day.
I want to start this post with a recap of all the comments I received yesterday that were directed to the Veterans & most of all, my dad.
- listplanit
Very lovely post. So nice to put faces on the people to whom we owe so much. Thank you Meghan's Dad, Tony, Bob, and the countless others who have defended our freedome!Jen
You are so wonderful for posting this tribute!! I LOVE it!! Thank you to your dad and everyone who serves or has served in the military!!!!
Megryansmom We are of the same mindset today. Thank you Meghan's dad and Bob and Tony.
Thank you very much, Meghan's dad and ALL military personnel...including my late grand father who served in WWII.Thank you for your selfless act of defending our country.~Cyndi~
BunnyKissd Thank you Meghan's Dad! Thank you Tony! Thank you Bob! And thank you to all the other men & women who serve our country...
We appreciate the sacrifices you and all of your partners have made for our families. Thank you!
Thank your dad for me. I think of my grandfather today who served on a Navy ship in WWII in the Pacific. I have another grandfather who served in Europe. I also remember my great-grandfather who served in WWI. I am also thinking of the soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan and hoping they will stay safe, and be able to get home to their families soon!Again, please give my appreciation to your father. Not many people can do what he did.
Thank You Meghan's Dad, Bob,Tony and everyone that is serving or has served. We really appreciate what you all do for our Freedom.
MommyWizdom True dat, true dat! :-) Great post!
Awesome post! My dad is also a Vietnam vet - need to do my own Veterans Day post!
Tara O'Rourke Thank you!! As a military spouse i so appreciate your service to our country!!!
Anonymous said...
i think about my ex husband this day more and more as the years go by. meghan's grandfather was on the ship the missouri and saw the signing of the treaty of ww2. that was the end of the for him and many others. they went home to their loved one and to a celebration throughout the country. the viet nam vets came home to the love of their families. some did not. but the country never thanked the men as they did in the previous wars.sadly the viet nam war never ended for a lot of our vets. they live it day after day. not only did many lose their lives in viet nam but many came home and lost their lives here. if not right away later in years as they lost their families due to post traumatic stress disease. these men still suffer the effects of the war and there are no words to possibly thank them for what they did so we could remain the country we are today. we need to show our love and appreciation and support to those who have served in the armed forces every day of the year....i know meg's dad reads this and he knows how i feel but here it is again anyway leslie. thank you and i love you.. xxx laura
How are you going to celebrate World Kindness Day?
I say lets all try to do one RAK. You know, random act of kindness.
A challenge!
Are you up for it???!!!
Say, pay someone's toll, buy them their coffee, let them in front of you on the road, not wrap your hands around their neck when they annoy you. You know the little things!!!
Let me know how you celebrated World Kindess Day...what did you do???
Woops out!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day
A day where we thank those men & women responsible for defending our country. Not just our country but other countries as well.
Today is a day we say Thank you.
So thank you to my dad.
That's him on the left.
That was taken in Vietnam.
Not sure when or where, I don't have the original photo.
His friend is Tony. Thank you Tony.
Here is my dad a few years back.
With his friend & fellow Vietnam Vet, Bob.
Thank you Bob.
On this day, we need to realize that without our veterans & currently active military personell, where would we be????
Take a moment today to thank a Vet or think of someone or just say thanks to former & present military members.
It only takes a minute.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Lookee what I got!

- 1. I sang in the Echelon Mall as a kid for a concert with All Cherry Hill Chorus. Sadly when I sing I sound like 10 cats dying.
- 2. I have been to England, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Italy & 2 other countries but I haven't been further west of my own state than Lancaster, PA.
- 3. I have always been the older one in my relationships...Bobster is 14 mos younger than me & F*cko was almost 2 yrs younger.
- 4. I pick my finger nails....not bite, pick. It's a habit.
- 5. I am a mad baker but not so much as a cook.
- 6. I have worked part time at AC Moore, Bath & Body Works & Country Scents (which sells Yankee Candles).
- 7. I can run a supermarket with one hand tied behind my back & I can do it well.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Can you stand it????????
Stop the presses!!!
There they are.
Nothing like scrapping Halloween 2007, totally ignoring Halloween 2006 & not even getting the pics yet for 2008.
Feast your eyes on these babies:

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Are you an expecting mom?
A new mom?
Try this:
This is what I used exclusively with Cheeks. I signed up through them & received samples + coupons every month!! Definitely worth it!
So what have you gotten for free lately?
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Introducing VB
VB? you say.
What does it stand for?
Are you ready?
Vomit Boy.
Yes, yes.
You read it right.
That kid right down there with the girlies or the twins whichever you prefer.
At approximately 9 o'clock last night I heard some hacking then crying.
When I went upstairs he was covered in it.
Now, I do not remember signing up for cleaning up THAT when I got pregnant.
I was hoping to never have to deal with that.
I've been lucky so far.
On a side note, I now know he really does eat his lunch at school b/c I got to see the evidence.
So we are home today.
The sickies have seem to stop but the other end just keeps going & going.
Good times.
He's off creating noise & havoc now, so it's obvious he's feeling much better.
I am going to drag him to vote today.
He's never to young to realize the importance of voting.
Who am I voting for you ask?
Well, that's a secret but let me just tell you it's the guy that always wears a suit!
Are you voting today?
Tell me!
Woops out!