I so spaved this evening.
(For those not down with the Princess lingo...Spave = Spend + Save)
Anyway, thanks to one of my fav blogs (& local gal too!) The Thrifty Mommy I knew that CVS had some baby stuff on clearance. So that is where I headed when I got the sticky in Cheeks report book that he needed diaps & wipes asap.
I had ECB's in the form of $2 off any purchase & $1 off Kotex Pads or Liners.
I found Kotex Liners on clearance for $2.15, so I snatched those puppies up (I completely forgot to use my manuf. coupon but cest le vie~!).
Next stop, baby aisle. I found Huggies Wipes on clearance for $3.15 & I had a $1.00 manuf coupon. Then I got Pampers (b/c my son can only tolerate the cadillac of diapers). I had a $1.50 manuf. coupon for those.
Up to the register I go where the diapers rang up wrong. Well they rang at $17.49 & the tag on the shelf said $11.49 & they were all stacked there, so I told the cashier & Miss Personality went, looked, came back & rerang them in at $11.49.
I gave her my coupons & ECB's & after all that I paid $11.09.
Totally spave!
So happy for me!!!!! LOL
I didn't get any ECB's or CVS money off a certain amt purchase coupons but I spaved & that is what counts!!!!!
I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of the new American Baby mag as word on the street is there is a Gymboree coupon in there & I have a $20 gift card that I would like to use. I would like to make it stretch as far as possible.
Well it's almost 10 & I must get going
stay tuned for a giveaway to be posted soon!!
A small, humble giveaway but a giveaway none the less.
Psst: Jacquie, email me your addy sista, I need to get you your prize!!
Woops out!
Way to go Meghan!!!! You did awesome at CVS!!!
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