Last week the Grandpop took us shopping for some new "summer" shoes for Cheeks.
We entered Stride Rite & it was as if we entered Mecca for the 2yo's.
Cheeks spied these bad boys from the entrance
ran straight for them.
His reaction.

Needless to say, the Grandpop said "Sure he can have them!"
They haven't left his feet since.
And he can put them on himself.
Now I thought they were crocodiles.
Have til this morning when I was researching for a pic.
Cheeks insisted they were a dinosaur.
Guess who was right?
They are the Polliwalks T Rex Croc.
How cute are they?!
Next up is the infamous "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Suess.
This is out nightly read.
I mean, EVERY night.
And during the day too, when he feels like hearing a story.

He jumps up & down.
Points out the fish, when the cat is sad, Thing One & Thing Two & when the mommy (me) comes home to see her kids (Cheeks & his cousin, Amanda).
I have to tell you tho.
This book is getting old.
I asked him last night if we could read another book.
His reply:
"No, I good. Read dis one"
So I read it.
And I will continue to read it.
I am very happy he has developed an interest in books finally.
I like to read
was hoping he would get that gene. Hee hee.
So what are your little ones into? Or what were they into?
Tell me.
Woops out!