Cheeks is frustrated b/c mommy's spelling lesson post didn't due any good a few weeks back.
Let's start with the first.
*sigh* When referring to a retail establishment, a church, a venue, etc is is AISLE!
Yes, yes, with an A.
When referring to land surrounded by water it is ISLAND.
See a pattern.
So please when writing about walking down Aisle 2 at Target, it's A I S L E.
Now onto the second spelling error of the day.
We are back to my name.
People, people, people, when you add an a after the e & before the g it changes the pronunciation.
My name is not MAYGIN....contrary to what you think.
I say it Meggin...Really I say it, you should be able to repeat it the way I say it...perhaps clueing you in on how to spell it.
Now I would accept Megan...really this is common.
I do not accept Meagan.
Totally different name!
So if you are unsure about how to spell it, just ask. I will tell you with an "H"
the next person who says where does the "H" go, I'm gonna say
UP YOUR ***, sorry, I mean I will say
AFTER THE "G", like a good girl.
Sorry readers...must be post PMS or something.
It's just a pet peeve of mine to use those words above in the incorrect text.
Drives me batty.
Also, if you are eating chips, dorito's or anything in a bag...DO NOT CUT THE BAG!
I bet you.
No cutting!
Please, leave the bag alone...pour what's out on a paper towel.
If you want to be "green" then use a bowl or plate.
Ok, off my ranting soap box!
Thanks for listening.
Woops out!