Anyway, Cheekers now bathes in the big boy tub. No more duck. The duckie has gone onto more watery friendly pastures (well not really I am keeping it for a little while). He likes going in the big boy tub but the past 2 nights he hasn't wanted to sit for me. I don't know if this is a result of the diaper rash or the fact that he knows he can stand in there. Makes me a nervous wreck that he is in b/c he likes to flail around when he is pissed. Sadly, he is getting to big for the duck.
I am still on my quest to a more frugal lifestyle.
Trying to save money but pay debt at the same time...this is almost impossible!
Haven't gotten any good deals lately but I have to hit up the supermarket over teh weekend for some shopping.
I need to scrap as well.
I have 2 cj's to finish up before I get 2 more in the cj I am doing at Scrappin Mojo. If you haven't checked out that site...go's fabu!
Well I have babbled on enough so.........
Woops out!
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