Let's put things into perspective.
When you purchase a new car, you get a manual.
When you purchase a new appliance you get a manual.
Bringing home some Ikea furniture...you get directions. Yes they are in Swedish but the point is instructions!
The day I left the hospital with my 11 pounder a mere 5 years ago, I asked the nurse when I would get my instruction booklet.
Don't laugh.
You all thought about it.
She smiled & just said "Good luck"
Let me tell you, raising children is hard.
The youngest one has behavior issues.
I have been trying for months to get them straightened out.
Roadblocks are an understatement for what I am running into.
Pediatricians are not quick to want to evaluate for ADHD, Hyperactivity etc.
I perservere & keep truckin tho.
In my great state of Jersey, I am finding no peds that take his insurance who are willing to consult.
The one ped in this field, who is known for his expertise, will see him.
For a consult visit of $1300.00
Notice where the decimal point is.
I offered a $1 a week til it's paid but they didn't seem impressed with that offer.
I am now trying some natural remedies to help Cheeks.
It's been 2 days so no effect yet but maybe tomorrow or in a few weeks.
He's so impulsive.
Can't keep still.
Is extremely mouthy.
Always wants his way.
Keeps going & going like the energizer bunny.
I am overwhelmed & exhausted with it all.
As his mom, I am his advocate.
I will do what I have to do.
Don't even ask about the babysitting situation.
Still at a standstill.
I even joined SitterCity.
Now, the 17yo, that's another story.
That shady mcshaderston decided to play his dad against me & vice versa.
Huge mistake.
He is now grounded with no use of the vehicle, permission to see his friends or even his girlfriend.
So I'd just like to say that no one ever told me raising children was so challenging.
Holy Moley.
I think I'm gonna start to drink...no more Diet Pepsi's for me...I'm going hardcore...bring on the Reg Pepsi.
Tell me, are you having child rearing issues as well?