Cheeks has arrived!
Yes, my little raspberry arrived in the world at 9:04am on 8/16. His weight....11lbs, 1 oz & he measured 22 3/4" long. He was remeasured at the ped yesterday & he is actually 21 3/4" long.
He is absolutely beautiful!!!!! He has light brown hair, perfect skin & his cheeks weigh at least 5 lbs each. We are working on getting him on a schedule but so far no such luck. Mommy is sleep deprived & cries a lot. A lot more than "Cheeks."
I am slowly recovering from the c-section. It was intimatidating at first & I cried in the OR b/c they wouldn't let Bobby in right away. Then when he came in, I cried & told everyone I was sorry. They all said I had nothing to be sorry for.
Anyway Ethan spent his first day in the NICU. He swallowed some of my amniotic fluid on his way out & had wet lung. So I didn't get to see him til 5:30 in the afternoon. I cried b/c he was hooked up to so many wires BUT he got better & the next day spent the day with Mommy &Daddy in Mommy's hospital room.
Must run. Time to wake "Cheeks" up!
Woops out! or should that be "MOMMY OUT!"