Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Cheeks is frustrated b/c mommy's spelling lesson post didn't due any good a few weeks back.
Let's start with the first.
*sigh* When referring to a retail establishment, a church, a venue, etc is is AISLE!
Yes, yes, with an A.
When referring to land surrounded by water it is ISLAND.
See a pattern.
So please when writing about walking down Aisle 2 at Target, it's A I S L E.
Now onto the second spelling error of the day.
We are back to my name.
People, people, people, when you add an a after the e & before the g it changes the pronunciation.
My name is not MAYGIN....contrary to what you think.
I say it Meggin...Really I say it, you should be able to repeat it the way I say it...perhaps clueing you in on how to spell it.
Now I would accept Megan...really this is common.
I do not accept Meagan.
Totally different name!
So if you are unsure about how to spell it, just ask. I will tell you with an "H"
the next person who says where does the "H" go, I'm gonna say
UP YOUR ***, sorry, I mean I will say
AFTER THE "G", like a good girl.
Sorry readers...must be post PMS or something.
It's just a pet peeve of mine to use those words above in the incorrect text.
Drives me batty.
Also, if you are eating chips, dorito's or anything in a bag...DO NOT CUT THE BAG!
I bet you.
No cutting!
Please, leave the bag alone...pour what's out on a paper towel.
If you want to be "green" then use a bowl or plate.
Ok, off my ranting soap box!
Thanks for listening.
Woops out!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ride Em Cowboy!
This is his favorite toy right now!
I mean, really, he gets on it & bounces like there is no tomorrow.
All the while going ....aye aye aye aye aye.
This child loves to jump.
Any chance he gets.
He has since he was in the womb when he would jump off my bladder.
Ah, memories.
He has now learned to jump w/o holding on.
Makes me a nervous wreck but he's 17 mos. & full of energy.
Now that is a Zebra he is on.
The sounds effects are for a horse & it even makes boing noises & yeehaws.
It's pretty darn cute.
Nothing else exciting.
Hold on to your seats.
It is for:
O don't be jealous, you can earn mad money like that too.
Sign up.
Tell them I sent you.
I am now waiting for my $25.00 check from the government b/c of a scam Visa did back in the day.
Apparantly they charged extra charges for purchases made overseas & there was a class action lawsuit.
So since I went overseas & used my Visa I was eligble.
There were ways to get your exact money back but do I remember what I bought?
Not really.
Do I have receipts?
Come on now!
So I think with this money & the massive $6.00 check I will put this in my emergency fund...woohoo...that means I will have $46.00 in there.
Go me!
I'm pathetic.
Well I must go.
Leave me love, if you can!
Woops out~!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
1st Layout of '08
Finally started scrapping for the new year.
Sorry for the horrible scanner wouldn't cooperate. Maybe it's time for a new one...I got it as a gift in 2002 & it has been thru. the ringer.
Anyway I did this layout for a challenge at (you can see the link over there ~~~~~~>) & for a challenge at (link over there ~~~~~~>).
I don't think I was blessed til Cheeks came into my life. He had me laughing so hard today. Some of the whacky stuff he does. He laid on me & sat with me on the couch for a long time today. I just got to cuddle with my baby. Usually his 17 mos old energy keeps him going!
He has learned how to sit down & get up from a sitting position. He was practicing this morning. So tonight he decided to show off his "mad skillz".
So he backs up against the bottom step.
Aunt Erin & I clap.
What does the bugger do?
He decides to lounge.
Just leaned back & put his arms out on the step above.
It was the funniest thing!!!!
Maybe you had to be there...tee hee.
Anyway it's almost 11 & I need to get cleaned up & to bed.
Cheeks gets up early!
Woop's out!
Sorry for the horrible scanner wouldn't cooperate. Maybe it's time for a new one...I got it as a gift in 2002 & it has been thru. the ringer.
Anyway I did this layout for a challenge at (you can see the link over there ~~~~~~>) & for a challenge at (link over there ~~~~~~>).
I don't think I was blessed til Cheeks came into my life. He had me laughing so hard today. Some of the whacky stuff he does. He laid on me & sat with me on the couch for a long time today. I just got to cuddle with my baby. Usually his 17 mos old energy keeps him going!
He has learned how to sit down & get up from a sitting position. He was practicing this morning. So tonight he decided to show off his "mad skillz".
So he backs up against the bottom step.
Aunt Erin & I clap.
What does the bugger do?
He decides to lounge.
Just leaned back & put his arms out on the step above.
It was the funniest thing!!!!
Maybe you had to be there...tee hee.
Anyway it's almost 11 & I need to get cleaned up & to bed.
Cheeks gets up early!
Woop's out!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Jan 23rd, right?
Those boys are good looking eh?
I need to find a pic of all 3 of the kids together.
This was taken New Years can see Cheeks shiner coming out.
Thankfully it's all gone.
Anywho, I write today b/c as I was driving to work, I passed 3 homes.
All next to each other.
Now this is where my title of my post comes in.
It is the 23rd of January, yes?
Then why, where the houses, all next to each other decorated in the following fashion.
Home #1: Valentines Day....appropriate for this time of year.
Home #2: Christmas....perhaps a bit lazy on taking down the decor, you are forgiven.
Home #3: come on people, just how f*ckin lazy are you? Get off that tush & remove the pumpkin planter & Happy Halloween flag. It's not even like they can say the weather hasn't been nice enough. There were plenty of days it was nice out.
Really, people, if you neighbor has Valentine's Day decor out, that should be your first clue!!!!
That is my rant.
Too tired to pretty much write anything else.
Must go.
Bed is calling!
Woops out!
I need to find a pic of all 3 of the kids together.
This was taken New Years can see Cheeks shiner coming out.
Thankfully it's all gone.
Anywho, I write today b/c as I was driving to work, I passed 3 homes.
All next to each other.
Now this is where my title of my post comes in.
It is the 23rd of January, yes?
Then why, where the houses, all next to each other decorated in the following fashion.
Home #1: Valentines Day....appropriate for this time of year.
Home #2: Christmas....perhaps a bit lazy on taking down the decor, you are forgiven.
Home #3: come on people, just how f*ckin lazy are you? Get off that tush & remove the pumpkin planter & Happy Halloween flag. It's not even like they can say the weather hasn't been nice enough. There were plenty of days it was nice out.
Really, people, if you neighbor has Valentine's Day decor out, that should be your first clue!!!!
That is my rant.
Too tired to pretty much write anything else.
Must go.
Bed is calling!
Woops out!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Little 'bout me & a tag!!! So read on, readers, read on!
Q: What is your salad dressing of choice?
A: Dijon Honey/Honey Dijon
Q: What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A: McD's!!!
Q: What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A: Brio OMG! They are so yummy!
Q: On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A: 20%
Q: What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A: Ice cream
Q: What are your pizza toppings of choice?
A: Bacon & pineapple
Q: What do you like to put on your toast?
A: butter
Q: What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A: Candles
Q: How many televisions are in your house?
A: Two
Q: Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A: Right
Q: Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A: teeth, pollups, cysts & an 11 pound baby!
Q: When was the last time you had a cavity?
A: Hmm...don't know...time to schedule that cleaning I need.
Q: What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A: Cheekers
Q: Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A: nope
Q: If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A: NO!
Q: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A: Queen Princess Your Majesty The Stunning One
Q: What color do you think looks best on you?
A: Black
Q: Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A: I can't answer's a family blog! OH! LOL
Q: Have you ever saved someones life?
A: No
Q: Has someone ever saved yours?
A: No
Q: Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A: Quick kiss on the lips...sure
Q: Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A: No
Q: Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A: Where's my check?
Q: Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A: Depends-Is the money for me or is the money for the readers who would need therapy after seeing me naked. NOT PRETTY PEOPLE! NOT PRETTY!
Q: Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000?
A. Got to think on this one
Q: Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
A: No amount of money would make up for what I would be judged on after I pass away!
Q: What is in your left pocket?
A: I don't have any pockets
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A: Not bad, after you see it a few times
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A: hardwood
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A: stand
Q: Would you live with roommates?
A: No, I'm very set in my ways and can't stand messiness
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A: None, I hate them!
Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A: Well I tried to out run them when I robbed that WaWa, I would have made it to had it not been for me actually running with my legs vs. a car!
Q: Last Friend you talked to?
A: Kathy
Q: Last person who called you?
A: Bobster
Q: Last person you hugged?
A: Cheeks
Q: Last person to stick their foot in your face?
A: Cheeks
Q: Missing someone?
A: Yes
Q: Mood?
A: Ok, irritable & tired a bit
Q: Listening to?
A: tv
Q: Watching?
A: Smoking Aces
Q: Worrying about?
A: Finances
Q: First place you went this morning?
A: To my mom's salon to get a hair cut
Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: Go to bed
Q: What's the last movie you saw in theater?
A: Enchanted
Q: Do you smile often?
A: Absolutely
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes
Now I tag:
Jennifer L.
Woops out!
Q: What is your salad dressing of choice?
A: Dijon Honey/Honey Dijon
Q: What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
A: McD's!!!
Q: What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A: Brio OMG! They are so yummy!
Q: On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A: 20%
Q: What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
A: Ice cream
Q: What are your pizza toppings of choice?
A: Bacon & pineapple
Q: What do you like to put on your toast?
A: butter
Q: What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A: Candles
Q: How many televisions are in your house?
A: Two
Q: Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A: Right
Q: Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A: teeth, pollups, cysts & an 11 pound baby!
Q: When was the last time you had a cavity?
A: Hmm...don't know...time to schedule that cleaning I need.
Q: What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A: Cheekers
Q: Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A: nope
Q: If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A: NO!
Q: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A: Queen Princess Your Majesty The Stunning One
Q: What color do you think looks best on you?
A: Black
Q: Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A: I can't answer's a family blog! OH! LOL
Q: Have you ever saved someones life?
A: No
Q: Has someone ever saved yours?
A: No
Q: Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A: Quick kiss on the lips...sure
Q: Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A: No
Q: Would you never blog again for $50,000?
A: Where's my check?
Q: Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
A: Depends-Is the money for me or is the money for the readers who would need therapy after seeing me naked. NOT PRETTY PEOPLE! NOT PRETTY!
Q: Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000?
A. Got to think on this one
Q: Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
A: No amount of money would make up for what I would be judged on after I pass away!
Q: What is in your left pocket?
A: I don't have any pockets
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A: Not bad, after you see it a few times
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A: hardwood
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A: stand
Q: Would you live with roommates?
A: No, I'm very set in my ways and can't stand messiness
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A: None, I hate them!
Q: Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A: Well I tried to out run them when I robbed that WaWa, I would have made it to had it not been for me actually running with my legs vs. a car!
Q: Last Friend you talked to?
A: Kathy
Q: Last person who called you?
A: Bobster
Q: Last person you hugged?
A: Cheeks
Q: Last person to stick their foot in your face?
A: Cheeks
Q: Missing someone?
A: Yes
Q: Mood?
A: Ok, irritable & tired a bit
Q: Listening to?
A: tv
Q: Watching?
A: Smoking Aces
Q: Worrying about?
A: Finances
Q: First place you went this morning?
A: To my mom's salon to get a hair cut
Q: What can you not wait to do?
A: Go to bed
Q: What's the last movie you saw in theater?
A: Enchanted
Q: Do you smile often?
A: Absolutely
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Yes
Now I tag:
Jennifer L.
Woops out!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Not the most flattering photo of Mr. Man but I wasn't posting any other ones from his bath photo shoots...too many sickos on the net!
Anyway, Cheekers now bathes in the big boy tub. No more duck. The duckie has gone onto more watery friendly pastures (well not really I am keeping it for a little while). He likes going in the big boy tub but the past 2 nights he hasn't wanted to sit for me. I don't know if this is a result of the diaper rash or the fact that he knows he can stand in there. Makes me a nervous wreck that he is in b/c he likes to flail around when he is pissed. Sadly, he is getting to big for the duck.
I am still on my quest to a more frugal lifestyle.
Trying to save money but pay debt at the same time...this is almost impossible!
Haven't gotten any good deals lately but I have to hit up the supermarket over teh weekend for some shopping.
I need to scrap as well.
I have 2 cj's to finish up before I get 2 more in the cj I am doing at Scrappin Mojo. If you haven't checked out that site...go's fabu!
Well I have babbled on enough so.........
Woops out!
Anyway, Cheekers now bathes in the big boy tub. No more duck. The duckie has gone onto more watery friendly pastures (well not really I am keeping it for a little while). He likes going in the big boy tub but the past 2 nights he hasn't wanted to sit for me. I don't know if this is a result of the diaper rash or the fact that he knows he can stand in there. Makes me a nervous wreck that he is in b/c he likes to flail around when he is pissed. Sadly, he is getting to big for the duck.
I am still on my quest to a more frugal lifestyle.
Trying to save money but pay debt at the same time...this is almost impossible!
Haven't gotten any good deals lately but I have to hit up the supermarket over teh weekend for some shopping.
I need to scrap as well.
I have 2 cj's to finish up before I get 2 more in the cj I am doing at Scrappin Mojo. If you haven't checked out that site...go's fabu!
Well I have babbled on enough so.........
Woops out!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Electrolux!!! Who knew
Ok. Most of you know, I am not Suzy Homemaker. I put on a great facade but in reality I am not. So of course, I need help in creating this facade, this is where Electrolux Vacuums come in to play! At first I thought these were the vacuums of yesteryear...ya know, door to door salesman. Not so....check out the website.....Electrolux Vacuums.
They have many to pick from & I like variety when shopping for something that I am going to need for many years. Check this one out, in particular, Electrolux 4870 Upright, it's a bargain at approximately $150 - $177, comes with a bag & a headlight. No more wearing a miners hat when I vacuum, that alone is worth it. I kept bumping the light & it would play shadow puppets on the wall for Cheeks. Great for him, head trauma for me.
Anyway I stumbled across this site: Electrolux Vacuums & am so glad I did. Yes, I am trying to rebuild the savings but I need to keep the home clean as well. So these vacuums will stand the test of time and are a bargain. This way I am spending & saving...A SPAVE! So go check it out. They have the vacuum that reminds me of my Grandmom's...ya know, the one that you pull & the hose is waaaaay bigger than the vacuum & then they have the one that I linked up there. Seriously, get over there & check it out. If you love vacuum, honestly, who doesn't! LOL Then Electrolux is the way to go.
Happy Vacuuming!
Those are my thoughts today.
Think I am ready for the padded room & wrap around closet, just in general?
You betcha!
Woops out!
They have many to pick from & I like variety when shopping for something that I am going to need for many years. Check this one out, in particular, Electrolux 4870 Upright, it's a bargain at approximately $150 - $177, comes with a bag & a headlight. No more wearing a miners hat when I vacuum, that alone is worth it. I kept bumping the light & it would play shadow puppets on the wall for Cheeks. Great for him, head trauma for me.
Anyway I stumbled across this site: Electrolux Vacuums & am so glad I did. Yes, I am trying to rebuild the savings but I need to keep the home clean as well. So these vacuums will stand the test of time and are a bargain. This way I am spending & saving...A SPAVE! So go check it out. They have the vacuum that reminds me of my Grandmom's...ya know, the one that you pull & the hose is waaaaay bigger than the vacuum & then they have the one that I linked up there. Seriously, get over there & check it out. If you love vacuum, honestly, who doesn't! LOL Then Electrolux is the way to go.
Happy Vacuuming!
Those are my thoughts today.
Think I am ready for the padded room & wrap around closet, just in general?
You betcha!
Woops out!
Monday, January 14, 2008
I am the go to person for all the foreign countries trying to launder money for their Prince/President etc & of course, I have won the UK Lottery so many times that I have no need to worry how I am going to rebuild our savings.
THE PRESIDENCYAso Rock villa, Asokoro District, AbujaDirect Security Line: +234-80-37539278, Ref:FGN /SNT/STBYour Ref.......CONFIDENTIAL DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY PAYMENTDear Sir/Madam,I am Lt General Peter Olu (Rtd), National Special Adviser to PresidentAihaji Umar Musa Yaradua Federal Republic of Nigeria I am delighted toinform you that the contract panel, which just concluded it's seating inAbuja just released your name amongst contractors to benefit from theDiplomatic Immunity Payment. This Panel was primarily delegated toinvestigate manipulated contract claims, contracts and over-invoicedpayment as the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our dearcountry.However, we wish to bring to your notice that your contract profile isstill reflecting in our central computer as unpaid ontractor whileauditing was going on. Your contract file was forwarded to my office bythe auditors as unclaimed fund, we wish to use this medium to inform youthat for the time being Federal Government of Nigeria have stopped furtherpayment through bank to bank transfer due to contractors numerouspetitions to United Nations against Nigeria on wrong paymentand diversion of contract funds to different account.In this regards we are going to send your contract part payment of4.1Million USD.To you via our accredited shipping company and I havesecured every needed documents to cover the money. Note: The money iscoming on 2 security proof boxes. The boxes are sealed with syntheticnylon seal and padded with machine.Please you don't have to worry for anything, as the transaction is 100%risk free. The boxes are coming with a Diplomatic agent who will accompanythe boxes to your house address. All you need to do now is to send to meyour full house address and your identity such as, international Passportor drivers license and your mobile phone and telephone number,TheDiplomatic Attaché will travel with it. He will call you immediately hearrives your country's airport. I hope you understand me.Note: The diplomat does not know the original contents of the boxes.What l declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic FilmMaterials for security reasons. I did not declare money to them please.If they call you and ask you the contents please tell them the same thingOk.Call me on my direct phone (+234-80-37539278) or Fax:(+234-80-62269228)email: ( and I will let you know how far Ihave gone with the arrangement. I will secure the Diplomatic immunityclearance certificate, which will make it pass every custom checkpoint allover the world without hitch. Confirm the receipt of this message and sendthe requirements to me immediately you receive this message. Please I needurgent reply because the boxes are schedule to live as soon as we hearfrom you. Call me immediately.Congratulations.Best Regards,Lt General Peter Olu (Rtd).National Security Adviser to the PresidentFederal Republic of NigeriaPrivate +234-80-3960-8358.
Now listen up....I don't want any of my readers to email or call this "special advisor"...this is my gig & I will fight to death to get it. It is obviously legit. With a name like "special adviser 1" it has to be, right?
Woops out!
THE PRESIDENCYAso Rock villa, Asokoro District, AbujaDirect Security Line: +234-80-37539278, Ref:FGN /SNT/STBYour Ref.......CONFIDENTIAL DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY PAYMENTDear Sir/Madam,I am Lt General Peter Olu (Rtd), National Special Adviser to PresidentAihaji Umar Musa Yaradua Federal Republic of Nigeria I am delighted toinform you that the contract panel, which just concluded it's seating inAbuja just released your name amongst contractors to benefit from theDiplomatic Immunity Payment. This Panel was primarily delegated toinvestigate manipulated contract claims, contracts and over-invoicedpayment as the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our dearcountry.However, we wish to bring to your notice that your contract profile isstill reflecting in our central computer as unpaid ontractor whileauditing was going on. Your contract file was forwarded to my office bythe auditors as unclaimed fund, we wish to use this medium to inform youthat for the time being Federal Government of Nigeria have stopped furtherpayment through bank to bank transfer due to contractors numerouspetitions to United Nations against Nigeria on wrong paymentand diversion of contract funds to different account.In this regards we are going to send your contract part payment of4.1Million USD.To you via our accredited shipping company and I havesecured every needed documents to cover the money. Note: The money iscoming on 2 security proof boxes. The boxes are sealed with syntheticnylon seal and padded with machine.Please you don't have to worry for anything, as the transaction is 100%risk free. The boxes are coming with a Diplomatic agent who will accompanythe boxes to your house address. All you need to do now is to send to meyour full house address and your identity such as, international Passportor drivers license and your mobile phone and telephone number,TheDiplomatic Attaché will travel with it. He will call you immediately hearrives your country's airport. I hope you understand me.Note: The diplomat does not know the original contents of the boxes.What l declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic FilmMaterials for security reasons. I did not declare money to them please.If they call you and ask you the contents please tell them the same thingOk.Call me on my direct phone (+234-80-37539278) or Fax:(+234-80-62269228)email: ( and I will let you know how far Ihave gone with the arrangement. I will secure the Diplomatic immunityclearance certificate, which will make it pass every custom checkpoint allover the world without hitch. Confirm the receipt of this message and sendthe requirements to me immediately you receive this message. Please I needurgent reply because the boxes are schedule to live as soon as we hearfrom you. Call me immediately.Congratulations.Best Regards,Lt General Peter Olu (Rtd).National Security Adviser to the PresidentFederal Republic of NigeriaPrivate +234-80-3960-8358.
Now listen up....I don't want any of my readers to email or call this "special advisor"...this is my gig & I will fight to death to get it. It is obviously legit. With a name like "special adviser 1" it has to be, right?
Woops out!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
How one 16 month old amuses himself
This is just a short snippet.
He was really going at it & laughing like he just heard the funniest thing.
I think I definitely have an "all boy" on my hands. I am preparing now for many trips to the ER. Oiyve!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. For your name's sake, O LORD, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.- Psalm 143:10-11
Surprised to see a passage from the Bible on my blog.
I felt it fitting.
I am putting my faith in Heavenly Father....not that it hasn't always been there.
Raised LDS I was taught that Heavenly Father won't give you anything you can't handle (other religions may teach these as well..I'm not sure).
Anyway....right now we are in a financial pickle.
I have gone over my checkbook with the bank & can not find the mistake but it's looking pretty bleak.
Basically this week, when we each get paid, we will be starting over from scratch.
I'm pretty stressed over it.
I have been excellent at taking my lunch & breakfast to work with me. Not eating out. Sure it's only the 12th day of the New Year BUT by now I would have eaten out at night at least 5x's & had bought my breakfast everyday, not to mention lunch at least 3x's a week. Only having a 30 minute lunch & working in the boonies helps me a lot. I have to bring my lunch or eat WaWa....WaWa rocks but eh, not everyday. The one day I ordered Chinese food from the restaurant around the corner (like 10 mins away), I was finishing up mine when my boss came out to show me the bug that was in his. Yea, not eating there EVER AGAIN!
I haven't bought anything willy nilly. I put back the People mag w/ Britney on the cover & Nicole Kidman announcing her pregnancy today @ Target. At Target I only got what I needed....laundry deteregent & 2 frozen meals. Nothing extra & Target always sucks me in. I really wanted to shop at the mall, feeling as if I deserved something to cheer me up since this financial pickle has me stressed. Then I realize that would only be a short cheer up til I realized what I did, so I only got what I went for, which was to see Old Navy's clearance (got Cheeks a pair of shorts & a t-shirt...all for next summer & winter, for less than $5...yay!). I even returned a shirt to Lane Bryant & got a credit of $20.99 on my cc.
I am going to sell my Little Soul Doll, so if you collect these or are interested, let me know & I will send you a pic. There should be collectors items at this point, since the maker is no longer making the catalogue dolls, just one of a kind.
I was going to scrap tonight but have no drive or creativity flowing tonight. Had a yummy lunch at Applebees with the Grandpop today.
Miss Bobster!!
On that note........Woops out!
Surprised to see a passage from the Bible on my blog.
I felt it fitting.
I am putting my faith in Heavenly Father....not that it hasn't always been there.
Raised LDS I was taught that Heavenly Father won't give you anything you can't handle (other religions may teach these as well..I'm not sure).
Anyway....right now we are in a financial pickle.
I have gone over my checkbook with the bank & can not find the mistake but it's looking pretty bleak.
Basically this week, when we each get paid, we will be starting over from scratch.
I'm pretty stressed over it.
I have been excellent at taking my lunch & breakfast to work with me. Not eating out. Sure it's only the 12th day of the New Year BUT by now I would have eaten out at night at least 5x's & had bought my breakfast everyday, not to mention lunch at least 3x's a week. Only having a 30 minute lunch & working in the boonies helps me a lot. I have to bring my lunch or eat WaWa....WaWa rocks but eh, not everyday. The one day I ordered Chinese food from the restaurant around the corner (like 10 mins away), I was finishing up mine when my boss came out to show me the bug that was in his. Yea, not eating there EVER AGAIN!
I haven't bought anything willy nilly. I put back the People mag w/ Britney on the cover & Nicole Kidman announcing her pregnancy today @ Target. At Target I only got what I needed....laundry deteregent & 2 frozen meals. Nothing extra & Target always sucks me in. I really wanted to shop at the mall, feeling as if I deserved something to cheer me up since this financial pickle has me stressed. Then I realize that would only be a short cheer up til I realized what I did, so I only got what I went for, which was to see Old Navy's clearance (got Cheeks a pair of shorts & a t-shirt...all for next summer & winter, for less than $5...yay!). I even returned a shirt to Lane Bryant & got a credit of $20.99 on my cc.
I am going to sell my Little Soul Doll, so if you collect these or are interested, let me know & I will send you a pic. There should be collectors items at this point, since the maker is no longer making the catalogue dolls, just one of a kind.
I was going to scrap tonight but have no drive or creativity flowing tonight. Had a yummy lunch at Applebees with the Grandpop today.
Miss Bobster!!
On that note........Woops out!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Presenting October for Nana's Calendar
I really like this page.
So much so I didn't want to put in the calendar but I will just make one for me!!!
If I ever scrap again.
Seems the only time I have to do it, is after Cheeks goes to bed & by then, I'm pretty tired.
So nothing new to report.
No new scrapping.
I turned down the Blogsvertize for today.
It was a subject I didn't want to review.
That's the nice thing about that site.
No money saved.
Stopped at CVS to get milk & see what they had for 90% left in the Xmas stuff.
It was picked over.
I had my choice of Dora the Explorer chocolates or candy corn!
I hit up the foot doc in the morning.
Since August my right foot has been very painful.
If I'm not on, it's not bad but in the morning, I have to stand for a few minutes so my foot gets used to the floor, then I limp around for a few minutes & I'm ok.
Til I sit.
Then I have to go threw this ritual everytime I stand.
Xmas shopping was brutal.
I would do a day of shopping & be in pain for like 4.
I had heel speers back in the 90's & I think they have come back.
Wish me luck.
I get xrays tomorrow so I guess they will be able to see.
Woops out!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
In my quest to pay off the debt
I have joined other bloggers over at
What does this mean?
It means that they will give me assignments, I will check out the product or the website they want me to, then I will come here & write a mini review.
You are all in for a treat.
Not only will you get my mutterings about my family, the eye candy I like to call scrap layouts & my rants about stupid things, you will not be getting my opinion on different things. This is so worth coming here now, doncha think?
Anyway, it's super easy, this
You need a paypal account b/c they only pay out that way. They pay a nice amount, even if you get the lowest payment for a post. It can not be any easier!
Please go check it out & join me in my quest to earn extra income while I sit on my tushie!!!
Earn income while sitting on your tushie.
Just visit
Trust me I need to save/earn money b/c today I made the fauxpau of waiting til I found a cheaper gas station.
Um, yea, I ended up paying .06 cents more a gallon b/c I had waited.
Woops out!
What does this mean?
It means that they will give me assignments, I will check out the product or the website they want me to, then I will come here & write a mini review.
You are all in for a treat.
Not only will you get my mutterings about my family, the eye candy I like to call scrap layouts & my rants about stupid things, you will not be getting my opinion on different things. This is so worth coming here now, doncha think?
Anyway, it's super easy, this
You need a paypal account b/c they only pay out that way. They pay a nice amount, even if you get the lowest payment for a post. It can not be any easier!
Please go check it out & join me in my quest to earn extra income while I sit on my tushie!!!
Earn income while sitting on your tushie.
Just visit
Trust me I need to save/earn money b/c today I made the fauxpau of waiting til I found a cheaper gas station.
Um, yea, I ended up paying .06 cents more a gallon b/c I had waited.
Woops out!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Cheeks, Binky Hunter
I need to sic Cheeks, Binky Hunter on the cc companies.
By accident & I really do mean it was an oversite, I missed my payment last month.
So they want like a katrillion dollars this month.
So the company calls & asks me to call back.
I do b/c last month my cc was compromised & I'm thinking, great it's happened again.
No they wanted to schedule a payment over the phone.
I told the gentleman "No, I will not do that, I will pay online like I normally do"
So he persisted.
I finally told this gentlemen, who I had a sneaking suscipision (?) was overseas, "Look I know you don't care but I don't get paid til next week, I have like $4 in my account, I'm not scheduling a payment now or in the future over the phone. I'm stubborn & I will not budge"
After a moment of silence I got "Well maam if you just want to schedule the payment over the phone!"
I felt like Charlie Brown who goes to kick the football & Sally just rips it out from him.
Now onto my money save for the day.
Had to stop at the Thriftway to pic up the Hot Dog buns for dindin.
I was planning on heading to the CVS to get Scott Paper Towel 6pk for like $7.00.
Well Tway had Bounty Basic 6 pk for $5.00.
I so spaved on that.
On that note...woops out!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Layout Share & Quest to Save the Moola!
Just some layouts from the calendar I made the Nana.
She liked it.
My fav is the December one...with all three kids. I think I will do one for me just like it!
Now onto my quest to save moola.
Super Fresh was having a kick ass sale...triple coupons as well.
Now mind you, they only tripled up to 99cents & my 3 coupons were $1.
Ok no biggie.
So I set out to get
Pepsi @ $1.88 per 12 pk
Juicky Juice @ 2/$4
Lean Cuisine 6/$10
There were out of Diet Pepsi cases.
I will go back later & get it.
Juicy Juice...not the flavors I needed, only one.
Got that one & a berry for me.
Will return later.
LC...icky flavors but I did manage to get 6 that I will take for lunch.
I also picked up 2 packs of Kraft Cheddar Shredded Cheese 2/$5.
I had coupons for the juice, the lc & the kraft.
Got rainchecks for the Pepsi & the JJ.
Then upon checkign out, I got a Catalina coupon for $5 off my next order.
Everythign I bought tonight came to $16.
Now back to your regularly scheduled blog hoppin.
Woops out!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Weekend Recap
This is the most smile Tim will give for the camera.
Is that look not the look of every 14 yr old boy....why me? how did I get stuck with these people for parents & family? Yep. I think it is.
So 2008 is starting with a bang for Cheeks.
He brought the new year in by getting a black eye.
Well yesterday we went to a baby shower for my brother (how many of you knew I had a brother, eh? How many??). Anyway it was held at his firehouse which, thank God!, had carpet.
So there was Cheeks.
When all of a sudden his feet get in his way & he goes down.
Slides about a foot.
Starts to scream.
About 5 mins later the rug burn appears.
On the top of his forehead.
On the tip of his nose
Under his nose.
I have my own Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
This poor kid!
I was just looking in the One Step Ahead catty & what do they have?
A foam helmet.
I'm thinking this would be a good investment.
Now I've been on the money saving plan since the '08 began.
Yes, I know it's only been 6 days.
So today I called my cable company to see if there were cheaper options.
I got my internet/digital cable bill lowered.
I will be paying approx $25 less per month.
Then I went to the foodstore & came up $3 under budget.
I bought a dozen bagels, so I don't have to buy one at WaWa in the morning.
I will make it here & take it with me.
Tomorrow I hit up Super Fresh for triple coupons plus they have 12 packs of Pepsi on sale for $1.88, Juicy Juice 2/$4 (I have a $1 coupon) & Lean Cuisine 6/$10 (again, $1 coupon).
Once I have the Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi in da house, I will be taking those to work as well.
No more stopping in the am at the WaWa for breakfast!!!
It averages about $5 a day for that & I can get enough bagels & soda & cream cheese for waaaaaaaay less that will last me longer.
Go me!
On that note...Woop's out!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Hit the Nail on the Head.....
I just went here:
Took the quiz & lo & behold, look what is says my beliefs are inlined with what church?
Guess the upbringing in the church really did work.
The results are listed with the percentage of your beliefs in what coincides with each religion. Did that make sense?
1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (98%)
3. Reform Judaism (93%)
4. Jehovah's Witness (90%)
5. Liberal Quakers (79%)
6. Orthodox Judaism (77%)
7. Bahá'à Faith (76%)
8. Sikhism (71%)
9. Unitarian Universalism (69%)
10. Islam (62%)
11. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (60%)
12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (50%)
13. Neo-Pagan (48%)
14. Jainism (47%)
15. New Age (46%)
16. New Thought (46%)
17. Mahayana Buddhism (43%)
18. Theravada Buddhism (42%)
19. Secular Humanism (41%)
20. Orthodox Quaker (40%)
21. Hinduism (39%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (35%)
23. Roman Catholic (35%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (34%)
25. Scientology (31%)
26. Taoism (30%)
27. Nontheist (19%)
Woops out!
Took the quiz & lo & behold, look what is says my beliefs are inlined with what church?
Guess the upbringing in the church really did work.
The results are listed with the percentage of your beliefs in what coincides with each religion. Did that make sense?
1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (98%)
3. Reform Judaism (93%)
4. Jehovah's Witness (90%)
5. Liberal Quakers (79%)
6. Orthodox Judaism (77%)
7. Bahá'à Faith (76%)
8. Sikhism (71%)
9. Unitarian Universalism (69%)
10. Islam (62%)
11. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (60%)
12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (50%)
13. Neo-Pagan (48%)
14. Jainism (47%)
15. New Age (46%)
16. New Thought (46%)
17. Mahayana Buddhism (43%)
18. Theravada Buddhism (42%)
19. Secular Humanism (41%)
20. Orthodox Quaker (40%)
21. Hinduism (39%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (35%)
23. Roman Catholic (35%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (34%)
25. Scientology (31%)
26. Taoism (30%)
27. Nontheist (19%)
Woops out!
Friday, January 04, 2008
The Shiner & an obvious oversight
Lookin good Cheeks, lookin good.
I guess Mommy needs to buy yellow & purple cardstock to scrap this.
Not my fav colors but I will make it work.
This poor kid. Just by the fact he is my kid, I expect lots of bruises & bumps...factor in some Bobster DNA & he will creek whenever he moves.
Good genes.
Good genes.
Now, onto the obvious oversight.
The other day I listed Cheeks fav people.
I forgot to mention someone of very importance & who ranks higher than me.
That would be Aunt Erin.
She is like #7, one above moi.
He even said her name the other day. Then I called her so he could leave it on her voice mail. As soon as he heard her voice, he got stage fright & wouldn't talk.
He loves his Aunt no worries there chica.
Nothing really going on.
Busy weekend ahead.
Trying to spend as little money as possible.
Super Fresh is offering triple coupons, no limit, so I am hitting them up this weekend.
Shop Rite has their can can sale going on...hitting them up before next week is out.
Have to fight with my Amazon visa. They say I didn't pay in Dec.
I paid!
I paid!
I will prove it, plus the rat bastards charged me an over the limit fee.
Can you stand it?
I just don't know what I'm going to do.
Bobster seems to be on board with me with the finances.
He wants a house.
I want a house.
The kids need a house.
So we need to save the emergency fund.
Pay off the debt.
Save for a down payment.
Now in other news...poor, poor Britney Spears.
Now, hopefully, the dr's will be able to diagnose the poor girl with extreme post partum.
I hope she gets help.
She lost custody of the kids & now KFed has them.
Who would have predicted that.
Woops out!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
2008 Shine Down on Me
And on Cheeks eye.
It doesn't photograph as bad as it is. It's more purple & pink & swollen. It's his left eye, so when looking it's on the right. Poor kid. My mom & nephew have suggested getting him a helmet. I just might have to do that! Oiyve.
He has learned to run so he either runs or walks on his tippy toes.
On this first day of the new year, Cheeks said his Aunt's name for the first time.
Yea baby!
So he can say:
Abby (whose his cousin Danny)
now Erin...but w/o "n" on occasion.
Today was a somewhat lazy day.
We got up for brunch, which was nice, then headed to Sams to pick up diapers.
Ok, did you know Sams is closed on New Years? Yea, I will head back there this weekend.
We came home.
Went to Bobster's brother's house for a short visit.
Came home.
Ate pizza.
Then took Tim home.
Now we are all relaxing...well Bobster & I are, Cheeks is sleeping, Aunt Erin just came home, sooooooooooooooooooo....on that note....
Woops out!
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