So here it is....3 hrs before the new year.
Can you believe it?
I remember when we turned 2000 & I was so worried about everything going balooey.
So, how did I end the last day of 2007 with Cheeks.
I was in the kitchen, Bobster & kids in the living room.
I hear a thud, I hear Bobster yell an obscenity & then crying.
It seems Cheeks tripped over his own two feet & went side face down on our bottom step that leads upstairs.
After Daddy got him calm I looked at it, it was swelling pretty good.
The eye that is.
Looks as if Cheeks will kicking off 2008 with his first official shiner.
I guess it had to happen at some point but I was hoping for maybe when he was 18.
Right now I am enjoying the silence downstairs. Cheeks just went to bed...a little later than usual due to hitting his head, Bobster & Tim are upstairs playing PS3 & making noises & smells that I assume only men can enjoy! Danny went home as his family had a party to go to.
So are you making resolutions for the new year?
I am.
I did well with mine last year.
Here's what I would like out of this year:
- Get finances in order....this includes getting $1000 in an emergency fund, snowballing payments on the credit cards, adding to savings and saving for disney. This will take some time & doing but I think it is definitely doable.
- Not bicker as much with Bob & try to let a lot go. I am picky about a lot & I let a lot bother me, so I am going to try to letitgooooooooo (that's one word!)
- Lose weight (bahaahaa)
- Cook more & get my grocery bill down
- Make more time for friends...this is important
- Scrap more
So don't be shy, tell me what you would like to do in '08.
Happy New Year!!!!
Woops out!